Chapter 13 It's all my fault

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Lauren's POV 


Everyone fell out of the car before rushing through the entrance of the hospital. My heart was pounding, she has to be okay! "Sophia Cimorelli...I mean Henderson!" Lisa said correcting herself to the lady at the front desk. "Room 273, go down this corridor, to your left, through the double doors and then the 4th room to your right" the lady at the desk said pointing in the right direction. Lisa started sprinting and we all followed close behind.

We were just down one of the corridors when I saw Christina sat against the wall with her head in her hands, I ran straight to her and threw my arms around her. "Are you okay? What's happened?!" Lisa said bending down the other side of her. Christina lifted her head, her eyes were filled with tears and were red and puffy. "They,they, they got her out of the ambulance and were...were pushing her through, through the waiting area when, when she,she" Christina completely broke down which was causing her to stutter like crazy. I've never seen her this upset before! Oh please God let Soph be okay, please!

"Christina what happened?" Amy said as the rest crowded around. She lifted her head again "she, her, her" she took a deep breath to compose herself before carrying on. "Her breathing stopped..." She said looking deep into Lisa's eyes. It felt like my heart stopped and smashed into a million pieces, this can't be happening. The hot tears built in my eyes, I closed my eyes and held them shut firmly, trying to stay strong for they rest of them. I opened my eyes and they met dani's, she had tears flowing down her cheeks...everyone did. She looked like someone has taken all the joy, happiness and life out of her and filled her with sadness and heartache.

"The doctors, their in there now trying to get her breathing going again, but they, they've been trying for the last 5 minutes! I'm so scared, i can't loose my baby sister" she was in pieces now.

I looked over to see lisa, she was sat against the wall, her face covered with tears. You could see the pain behind her eyes, it was cutting her like a knife.

Amy was sobbing in Katherine's arms. Kath held her, stroking her hair trying to comfort her while in bits herself.

Dani just stood there with the tears flowing down her cheeks, just one after the other. If Sophia didn't make it through this I don't think Dani could cope. Her and Soph had built a strong connection over the past few days.

Everyone was crushed... there was no other way to describe it. The pain that came with the thought of loosing her was the worst feeling I have every felt! It felt like someone had stabbed me right in the back. It's like starving and not having food for weeks then finally getting a piece but then having it snatched right from your bare hands. This pain is killing me.

I suddenly remembered lily, I turned to see her. She just stood there pale as a sheet, like she was frozen in time. "Lily?"

"Are you okay?" I say getting up off the floor, wiping my cheeks.

"It's all my fault" her eyes trailed to mine.

"It's all my fault Lauren, if she dies it's all my fault!"

"It's not your fault lily" I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"It is! I could have done more to stop them" she said collapsing to the floor in tears.

I kneeled down next to her putting my arm across her back "Lily one of them held You back! There was nothing you could do"

There was a pause before she continued.

"I should have know this was all happening again. I should have protected her more"

I held out a hand and helped her to the seat.

"Wait what do you mean again?" I said very confused. She looked up and shook her head, "it's not my place to say, forget I ever said that"

What did she mean by again? Who were the girls that did this to them?

Lily broke my thought session as she looked at me with a confused expression over her face and said "wait...why are you here? And why do all of care SOOO much?" I paused,

"Errrr..." What do I say!!!

"Hang on ,stay here a second!" I said getting up from the seat and walking towards my sisters. They had calmed down a lot! "Hey guys I know this isn't really a great time but, Lily's asking why we're here and I don't know what to say" I said looking at all of them then back at lily. "We need to tell her" Christina sniffed and they all agreed.

We walked over to lily, Christina took the seat next to her. "I hear you were wondering why we're here" Christina said looking at lily who had her head down.

"Yeah kinda" she replied looking up.

"Well it's complicated and you have to promise not to tell anyone, well at least not at the moment"

"I promise can someone just please tell me what's going on!"

"Okay... well Soph..." Christina was cut off by a doctor walking out of Sophia's room and calling "Miss. Henderson?"

"Yes we're with her!" Kath said as we all rushed to him. Everyone was firing questions at him like 'is she okay?' 'What happened?' 'Will she make it?' The poor guy, it must be pretty intimidating, I mean like we are a pretty loud family!! "Miss Henderson" he started and everyone quietened down. "Miss Henderson is..."


A/N: I thought I would leave u guys on a cliff hanger! Haha I'm so mean, I'm sorry!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update as soon as I can! 💜

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