Chapter Ten!-First Proper Kiss?

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With Louis' arms around me we wondered towards the building again. I couldn't seem to stop the tears rolling down my face. The stinging was unbearable. I was shaking in Louis' strong arms.

'I'm sorry Harry. I really am.' He whispered, his breathe making the hair on my neck stand up on end. I didn't dare speak. My voice would crack and it would make this whole situation more embarrassing... I don't want that and if I'm honest. I swallowed, my eye stinging like a right mother fucker.

'Harry don't ignore me.'

'Why Louis?' I said a little to harsh, the end letters cracking with every word. I looked down, feeling Louis' eyes burn into the back of my neck. He's a short arse he can't burn holes in the back of my head.

'Because I was scared of what happened last night. I'm not good in these... Uhm awkward situations like these.'

/"You think so you are an absolute genius Louis!"/ I shook my head, feeling his hands softly squeeze my stomach. I felt his head rest against my shoulder blade. I placed my shaking hands over his.

'I took... I took advantage of you. It's not your fault. I should have known better.' I mumbled quietly. I should have but if I'm honest it was one of the best fucks I've had in a while. Not like I have had many but you know. Louis wouldn't be half bad in bed, if him in the shower is any consolation or anything to go by. I smiled to myself, looking up.

We'd finally reach the building both shuffling awkwardly inside through the sliding doors. The short woman behind the counter came rushing out.

'Sir! Sir what happened?'

Louis swallowed and cleared his throat. The woman frowned at him before smiling a rather fake smile. Now what happened here?

'It was nothing... Any way we could get some ice or something please?'

Okay something is really wrong here... Louis said please? Okay enough messing around it feels like I am seriously going blind in my damn eye. My breathing picked up as I began to be sucked into a slight panic attack. Louis was still holding me up, his hands resting lightly on my stomach still. Is it me or is it seriously hot in here? Just me? Okay. I found myself being pushed lightly forward, a solid body, pressing into my back.

'Move forward Harry.' He whispered and I involentarily shiver against him. I feel his breathe brush over my neck making me hunch my shoulders slightly, as I moved my body forward, Louis mirroring my movements as we followed the short woman to get some ice. Thank bloody God for that... Dunno how much more of this pain I can take. The woman told us to wait outside the swinging wooden door, that was labeled Kitchenapropriate I guess seeing as it is what it is no? I felt Louis' hands move to my hips. As if on cue I turned and faced him. He was frowning. I hate people frowning just as much as I hate people crying... Damn you Louis. I found myself frowning down at him.

'I can't believe I hit you...' He murmured. I rolled my eyes, wincing.

'It was bound to happen some time don't you think?' I said, my heart squeezing. It kind of hurt saying that. I loved last night, my hands all over his body, in his hair and kissing him. Fucking him roughly against the wall of the shower. His moans still rack through my brain like a wild fire. He was vulnerable and at my mercy basically. I had all the power last night. I knew under all the ink and peircings that he was a lovely person. He just needs someone to tell him once in a while. I sighed heavily as I watched him look at the floor.

'I never hurt you because... Because I-'

I furrowed my brows but before I could saying anything more the short woman appeared. Way to ruin a moment... Fucking idiot! Louis drew his big blue eyes away from me and looked at the short woman, holding his hand out for the bag of ice. She smiled politely and wondered off. I was glaring at her, so I never realised Louis holding my hand until I felt a sharp, short tug. I looked at Louis who was marching towards the doors again. I found myself blushing at the contact, unable to rid my brain of images of last night. His strong hands gripping tightly onto me, his skin latched on mine like hot and cold. I found myself blushing darker, as I ran blindly behind Louis. I hope he doesn't turn round. Now that would be embarrassing.

When we got back to the car, my cheeks had finally cooled down but Louis was still holding tightly onto my hand.

'You know... You never finished what you were saying inside.' I whispered as we stopped by the car. Louis opened the car door without a sound. I swallowed as he turned, his peirced lips pressed tightly in a thin line. His blue eyes were burning like I'd hit another nerve again. I found myself frowning. I am serious... This boy is BiPolar. One minute he is happy or nervous and next he's like a volcano waiting to erupt.

'Just get in Harry.' He spat as he walked round the car and towards the drivers seat. I just want him to answer me... I don't want to just sit here and wonder. I have sat and wondered for years... It's pissing me off. Regardless I climbed awkwardly into the car, sliding into the seat before reaching out trying to find the handle. God now I wish I had my spear pair of glasses. I found myself again frowning again.

'Hurry up before the ice melts.' He mumbled. Inside I was laughing my arse off. If he was in my position... He'd be eating his own fucking words. I found the handle and pulled closed the door. I flopped back into the seat and closed my sore eyes. Can't he just put me out of this enternal misery and tell me why he felt so bad about it? I just don't understand. My jaw clenched as I thought about this. I want THE DAMNED BASTARD TO TELL ME WHATS WRONG!

'Turn around.'

I don't know what clicked in my mind but I turned away from him so I was facing the window instead. The laugh that slipped the other lads lips signalled that he was lightening up a little bit. I grinned and turned in my seat. I felt Louis' hand on my right cheek.

'Might hurt a little bit you know.'

Thanks Captain Obvious...

I chuckled and nodded, internally bracing myself for the pain. I closed both of my eyes, awaiting the ice that never seemed to come. I frowned slightly but felt something brush over mine. I jumped slightly as I felt lips press on mine, his lip ring pressing roughly into my lips. They were so soft! No! Harry calm down! I didn't want it to end. His lips were so warm and tasted so sweet, but apparently Louis had other ideas. I blinked my eyes open slowly blurrily meeting his blue ones. I could make out his perfect smile and the pink blush in his cheeks as well.

'Now how about we sort that eye of yours out?'

Yes please Dr Tomlinson!

Road Trip With Geek Boy! {Larry AU! Punk! Louis!}Where stories live. Discover now