Chapter Twenty Four - Darlin' I'm a Nightmare Dressed as a Daydream

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Dean (POV)

It wasn't easy, getting out of purgatory and back into hell. Everything wanted to kill me. It was getting kind of annoying actually. Like they could defeat me anyway, i was a motherfucking, soul crushing, marked with the mark of Cain, DEMON. 

The blade made me feel more powerful then i ever had done before. Before i was just a demon, nothing more, nothing less. Pretty worthless. But with the blade in my hand to match the mark I was completely unstoppable. 

As soon as i found the gates back into hell, i walked through with my head held high and my blade in my hand. Demons saw me, but made no move to come and touch me. Why would they? They would just get slaughtered. I couldn't die, it was impossible for them to do anything to me. 

I walk right out of hell, quite literally. Towards Crowley's office and up the hypothetically stairs until i'm stepping out onto earth without a scratch on me. Crowley seemed mad when i just walked out, i assumed i probably caused him many problems with the demons as he helped a Winchester who probably killed half those demons brothers or sisters or lovers. Who cares?

I ended up back in town, i had no idea how long it had been. I knew it had taken me quite a while to get back out of purgatory but hell took no time at all. The trees had begun to turn colour, which meant it was probably almost October. I couldn't believe me and Cas had been down there that long. Which reminded me.. Cas. 

I immediately sought out my brother who i assumed Cas had gone straight too as soon as he got out of purgatory. I found him in a motel, wasn't that hard to find as he had been driving the car since i had turned demon on his ass. I knew all of his fake names so i just asked around until i found the right door, walking straight in as i found it. 

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed and stood up from his bed as soon as i walked in, blade in hand. He backed away from me but i pocketed the blade and bit the inside of my mouth, looking around finding someone i recognised in his bed.

"Oh fucking hell. Gabriel? Really?" I snort and the angel grinned at me and waved while Sam gritted his teeth and turned bright red.

"Dean, you're out of hell-" Sam began but i started looking in the bathroom and tiny ass kitchen to see if i could find Cas. 

"Where the hell is Cas?" I ask straight away, looking at my baby brother. 

"Cas? You're the one that went to find him, Dean..."

"You mean he hasn't been here? I told him as soon as he got out of purgatory to come and find you!" I shout, getting angry at the fact that Cas hadn't listened to a word i had said to help and protect him. Fucking idiot. 

"You got him out? Purgatory? Dean what went on down there?" Sam asks while I sigh and sit down on Sam's bed, shaking my head and rubbing my face.

"Jesus Christ, what didn't go on down there, you should be asking. Turns out Lucifer is out of the cage after all, and he's trying to get Cas. I'm not sure why but i'm planning to find out. I told Cas to come to you and get you to help but either he couldn't find you or he didn't listen to a word i was saying."

"Lucifer is out?" Gabriel asks but both me and Sam ignore him. 

"I've been at the church this whole time Dean. This is the only day i've been back to the motel to pick up a few things. There is no possible way i could have missed Cas.. unless-"

"He was buried." I finished off. "He crawled out of his grave and walked straight back to him apartment without thinking of checking the church."

"Lets go." Sam says quickly and we both rush out of the motel room and towards the car. This was the first time we had been in the car together since he had me trapped at the back and decided to try and save me 

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now