Chapter 10

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I woke up to a pair of warm hands on my stomach resting underneath my PJ top and breathing on my neck. Somehow Perrie had managed to get in the weirdest position ever whilst we slept. Her head was in my neck, hands on my stomach and her legs tangled with mine. It definitely didn't look comfortable. I wrapped my arms around her waist and began to slowly tickle up her back. I didn't want to wake her up but if she did this would be a perfect position to wake up in.

"Morning Jade" I heard Leigh say. I looked over to see her in Jesy's double bed on her phone.
"Morning Leigh, did you sleep well?" I asked.
"Yes and no. The first half of the night was ok. But I woke up needing to pee and when I got back Jesy had taken all the covers so I searched round and found this Minnie mouse blanket. I'm guessing it's yours?" she replied.
"Yeah, that's mine. I use it for long journeys" I smiled "but you can borrow it. I don't mind".
"Shhh Jade" I heard Perrie grumbling.
"Perrie, it's 10:30 am on a Sunday morning. I think it's about time everyone woke up, including you" I lightly laughed, still tickling her back.
"Sunday should be called Don'tseetheSun-day so no getting up, just cuddle with me" she mumbled whilst pulling me even closer to her.
"You'll get no where when it comes to sleep and Perrie. Especially on weekends. We are lucky if she even steps one foot out of her bed" Leigh laughed.
"Morning you loud mouths" Jesy groaned "what time is it?"
"10:30" Leigh told her.
"Shit! I have a date with J-" Jesy panicked "no one".
"You have a date?" I asked.
"Bloody hell, I didn't want to tell you guys incase I get stood up" Jesy continued.
"Tell us who he is and if he stands you up I can kick him where the magic happens" Leigh laughed.
"You might not know him Leigh, you definitely won't Jade but Perrie will".
"It's Jake isn't it" Perrie mumbled "you guys don't stop flirting in class".
"Detective Perrie" Jesy laughed "yeah it is. He asked me at the end of class the other day. I couldn't refuse, he's so lovely".
"Where's he taking you?" I asked.
"I don't know, he just said he will swing by and pick me up at around 12:30. Which is why I need to get up" Jesy concluded whilst getting out of bed. Leigh decided to help Jesy get ready whilst Perrie still clinged to me.
"Can we have a duvet day?" Perrie asked looking up at me.
"What does this "duvet day" involve?"
"Well lots of cuddling, snacks, movies and a few naps" Perrie said in a pleading tone "I always have them alone so the cuddling part is never there. But since you're here".
"Oh so I'm only good for cuddling now?" I teased.
"No! Well that's one thing you are good at. But I love being in your company and "duvet days" are my favourite. So you have basically got asked on a second date with me" she smiled.
"Second date? Enlighten me on when the first date happened?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.
"Yesterday, Nandos was an attempt. I mean it wasn't the best first date. But I mean this is ideal. It envolves all my favourite things. A bed, food, movies and... you" she told me. I felt nerves come through me all of a sudden and my heart swell at her words.
"Calling me one of your favourite things is a definite yes to a second date" I laughed.
"Babe you are at the top of the list" she smiled whilst leaning up to kiss me.
"No, you have morning breath" I said leaning away.
"But Jesy is using the bathroom and a duvet day only has the exception of needing to pee as a valid reason to leave the bed" Perrie moaned.
"Fine, this is so disgusting" I laughed. I leant down and Perrie connected our lips in a sweet kiss. We then pulled apart and I asked Leigh to pass me the laptop.
"Why couldn't you get it yourself lazy bones, Perrie is already affecting you" she laughed whilst handing me it.
"The rules of a duvet day are no exceptions of getting out of bed unless it's to pee" I told her.
"No way has she got you to agree to a duvet day, Jade you're whipped" she teased.
"She's not whipped. She just has good taste in who she wants to spend her time with" Perrie laughed. Leigh just shook her head and walked away. I opened up the laptop and went onto Netflix. Perrie soon spotted "About Time" and clicked on it. We started to watch the film and Perrie's hands went back onto my stomach and began tracing circles around it. I felt myself tense a little bit at her actions and she must have felt it because she stopped. I looked at her and her eyes were glued to the screen. I grabbed her hand back and rested it back on my stomach. For a while it remained still until she started again. I looked over at Jesy who was applying her makeup whilst Leigh was looking for an outfit for her to wear. Jesy looked nervous and Leigh looked like she was panicking over the outfit. I then averted my eyes back to the screen and carried on watching the film.

The film was nearly over when there was a knock at the door. I looked up to see Jesy dressed to perfection. She looked absolutely stunning and Leigh gave her a thumbs up.
"You look great Jesy" I told her "have fun, use protection".
"Hey! I don't kiss on the first date thankyou!" Jesy replied. Leigh went and opened the door.
"Hey Jake, Jesy will be out in a sec. See you guys later" Leigh said whilst leaving.
"Bye guys" Jesy said whilst grabbing her bag and left the room.
"And then there was two" I laughed. I got no response from Perrie and looked down to see Perrie asleep. This girl can sleep for Britain. The film went onto the credits and I went back onto the menu and selected 22 Jump Street. I guess this "duvet day" was going to be spent with me watching films and Perrie sleeping. I came to the conclusion that if Perrie didn't wake up by the end of this one I would go and spend a bit of time painting. I needed to finish it off for tomorrow. So it had to be done today whether Perrie liked it or not. I then relaxed and started to watch the film and was around 40 minutes in when my phone began to ring. I quickly answered it trying to not wake Perrie up. I didn't bother to look at the caller ID.
"Hello petal, how are you?" I heard my Mum's voice come through the phone.
"Hey Mum, good how are you?" I whispered.
"I'm great, why are you whispering? Have I called at a bad time?"
"I'm trying not to wake Perrie up, she's fast asleep next to me" I lowly laughed.
I hadn't really told Mum about Perrie or anything that had gone on since I moved here.
"Perrie? Edwards?" she asked.
"Yeah the girl I'm sort of seeing. I don't know how to really word this" I laughed "don't un love me Mum".
"Un love you? Is that even a word? That's not possible darling, I will love you no matter what" Mum replied and I felt a sigh of relief flood through me.
"Phew, I don't know how I would have coped if you reacted in any other way. I love you Mam" I said.
"I guess now wouldn't be a good time to go into details about this when she's sleeping right next to you. I hope you didn't do anything silly!"
"Of course not Mam! We barely know each other" I laughed.
"Ok good, now when I come through to visit I expect to see her"
"Aslong as you don't embarass me! Now I'm going to go I don't want to wake her. I love you, bye" I said whilst hanging up once she replied.
I put my phone back on the side and went back to watching the film.
"Sort of seeing me?" Perrie's voice made me jump.
"Wow, you scared me! Well I am seeing you aren't I" I said awkwardly.
"I guess so but your choice of words make me seem like a jerk" she laughed "so I expect you to tell your Mam how lovely and amazing I am in the future".
"What ever you say sunshine" I laughed whilst pushing the laptop off my lap and turning round to face Perrie. "Can you not go back to sleep now? I'm bored and considering getting dressed and leaving this duvet day".
"No sleeping, I think I can do that if that means you stay here" Perrie smiled.
"No sleeping. I'm bored of movies so can we just talk?" I asked.
"What do you want to talk about?" Perrie laughed "I'm not very interesting".
"Well there's 17 years of your life that I never knew about even though you lived in the same area as me, I'm sure we have crossed paths" I told her "so fill me in, I want to learn".
"Alright then, miss journalist".

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