Chapter 2

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I woke up hearing the door creak open. I'll admit she was being super quiet but I wake up so easily to the slightest noise.
"I'm awake Jesy, no need to be super quiet" I told her.
"Sorry hun, did I wake you?" she asked. I flicked the light on and nodded.
"How was your night?"
"Great actually, I had a good time, what did you get up to?" she said throwing her bag down and finding some PJs.
"Well I ordered pizza and met our neighbour, she came in and we chatted for a while. She left and I went to bed".
"Oh, is she nice?" she asked to which I nodded in response "you had an admirer tonight".
"Me? Who was admiring me?" I laughed believing she was joking.
"Well I was out meeting people and seeing some familiar faces. I met this girl when I first got here. We exchanged numbers and that's why I went out cause she asked me" she told me.
"Right? What does that have to do with me?" I asked curiously.
"Well she must have seen the picture of you on my story. As soon as I saw her she was asking who you were and all sorts about you" Jesy said with a smirk.
"That means nothing, she was probably just curious" I replied whilst Jesy got into her bed.
"Believe me Jade, she was a little more than curious!" she laughed.
"What's her name?" I asked.
"Perrie Edwards".


My alarm went off bright and early. I was actually looking forward to studying this year. I did my A Levels at college and the only one I enjoyed was art. I got up and began to get ready for the day. Jesy was still fast asleep. Her classes didn't start till 11am where as mine started at 8:30am. I found a cute tartan skirt and a blouse to wear and applied a little makeup leaving my hair wavey. By the time I was ready it was 8:10 so I had 20 minutes to find my class. Luckily I had already been to visit where I would be studying so I knew exactly how to get there. I made a note to Jesy telling her to have a great day and I would see her later before making my way out of the door. I was walking out of the building when I heard someone call me name behind me. I turned around to see Leigh-Anne.
"Morning hun, can I walk with you? Our classes are in the same building I think" she asked.
"Of course, do you want to grab some lunch afterwards? I don't want to eat alone" I laughed. She told me we could and we both made our way to the building. Once there I said goodbye to her and made my way into my first lesson.


Me and Leigh were sat at a restaurant on the campus. Leigh said when she came to visit her parents took her and the food was good. Leigh was sat on her phone checking snapchat. She clicked on a story and once it loaded I saw it was Jesy's story.
"Hey! That's my roomie" I said leaning over to look at it.
"Jesy? I haven't met her yet but some of my friends gave me her add. She seems like a sweet girl" Leigh smiled.
"Yeah she is" I responded. She then clicked on another story and I didn't catch the name but I did see the face. It was that girl again. The one on Jesy's snapchat and she looked even more beautiful then before. I sneakily looked at the story whilst Leigh laughed at the ones of her dancing. I looked away so Leigh wouldn't catch me glancing at her phone. We ordered our food and it came quickly enough.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Leigh asked. Jesy asked me the same question and I found myself blushing again whilst shaking my head.
"My boyfriend is back home, don't know how long we will last long distance" Leigh said looking down.
"If it helps no one has ever took any interest in me" I said "no boy or no girl".
"Are you kidding? You are so pretty Jade that's crazy! We will find you someone!!" she laughed.
"Me and my friends. I will have to introduce you to them at some point. One studies Performing Arts and the other studies Law" she told me.
"What's their names?"
"The one in PA is Perrie and the one in Law is Hannah" she told me. Perrie again, she was the one who Jesy said was asking about me.
"I have heard of Perrie, she was out with Jesy last night!" I told Leigh.
"Yes, I seen on both their snapchat stories. Wait lets take a selfie for mine!"

Perrie's POV (finally😏)

I was walking out of PA with Jesy and it was so much fun. I couldn't fall anymore in love with drama if I tried. I grabbed my phone and opened snapchat. I saw Leigh had added something to her story. I clicked onto it and it was her with Jade. They must be out for lunch, how had Leigh met her yet I hadn't!
"Jesy, how does Leigh-Anne know Jade?" I said furrowing my brows.
"Leigh is our neighbour, they met whilst we were out last night. Why is someone jealous?" she replied smirking. 
"Of course I am! How come she gets to spend time with her before I have even seen her in person, she's gorgeous" I said with a sigh. Everyone was going to have met Jade before I had.
"I tell you what I'll do, Jade will probably kill me! Here add her on Snapchat, it's jadeameliabadwi". I quickly reopened snapchat and added her hoping she would accept.

Jade's POV

I was walking back to my room when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw someone had added me on snapchat. I saw the name PerrieLouise10 and knew Jesy must have gave her my username. She was friends with Leigh so who ever she was she couldn't be a total weirdo.
"My little Pezhead has added you! Be careful she will probably fancy you, you're her type" Leigh laughed.
"Jesy told me she was asking about me last night, I'm not sure what to think".
"I'll mention you to her see what she says, are you interested?" Leigh smirked.
"I don't know what the girl looks like, we haven't even met" I laughed.
"Blonde hair, blue eyes, killer figure and one of the nicest personalities I have ever known" Leigh said "see you later Jade". Leigh went into her room and only then did it register in my mind. Was the girl on Jesy's story Perrie? It couldn't be she is far too stunning to even look my way. I made my way into my room and accepted her request. I didn't even make it to my bed before a notification popped up. It was Perrie, she was eager. I opened it up and my thought were right. I was met by those crystal blue eyes and a smile I could melt at. She had added the caption "Jesy gave me your add, I hope you don't mind". I giggled and took a selfie.

jadeameliabadwi: of course not, finally put a face to the name🙈

perrielouise10: what's that supposed to mean?😏😏😏😏

jadeameliabadwi: jesy and leigh both know you, i didn't have a clue😁

perrielouise10: hopefully only nice things were said, don't want to scare you😏😘

jadeameliabadwi: just that someone was eager to know who I was, made me giggle😌

perrielouise10: well what can I say with a face like yours anyone would be eager😏😏😏

Jade was left red faced at Perrie's last snap and had no idea what to respond it was safe to say Perrie liked her. She just didn't know if she liked her back, was she even gay?

perrielouise10: great I scared you didn't I! Jesy warned me you was shy😖😔

jadeameliabadwi: noooo! i was just using the bathroom🚽

perrielouise10: ewwww! what are you doing later? I would love to finally meet you💜

jadeameliabadwi: nothing, what do you have in mind?

Jade was shocked she was even going along with this but she couldn't lie that Perrie was stunning. She was just going to have to man up and be more confident.

perrielouise10: i know Jesy is going out, I could come over?☺️

Jade didn't know how to take that. She hoped it was an innocent wanting to come over and Perrie wasn't just wanting sex.

perrielouise10: that sounded wrong, I mean like movies and stuff🙈🙈

jadeameliabadwi: yeah, that sounds good, come over at seven?💜

perrielouise10: I'll be there babe😘💋

Now Jade was scared, she had 3 hours till Perrie was coming over. 3 hours to clean up and make herself look half presentable. I mean Jade had to look good infront of the girl she liked? Wait did she even like her.....

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