Chapter 6

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I woke up and it was 10:30am. Wow I never usually lie in this long. It was a Saturday so I had allowed myself no alarm and luckily Jesy was still asleep too. I clicked onto my Instagram to see Perrie had uploaded a picture. It had no caption but she looked insane. I found myself staring at her legs. They looked flawless, she looked flawless. Where was she going this early on a morning? I scrolled down a little further and she had posted another one but this time it was a selfie. Her eyes looked even more blue if that was possible. I can't deny liking her now I was hooked not only with how she looked but her personality too. Most people that look as good as Perrie looks are total arses and think the world of themselves. I can't stand people like that which makes me think Perrie is a rare find. I got up and left my phone on my bed and went to the bathroom. I used the toilet and then grabbed my makeup wipes. When I went into the room I saw Jesy sat on my phone.
"I unlocked your phone and was met by Perrie's face. I can't get away from her" Jesy laughed "she looks good today".
"I know, I've been sat looking at those pictures since I woke up. She's flawless" I replied.
"Message her see what she's up to" Jesy said.
"There's no way I'm snapchatting her this morning. I look like this and she looks flawless" I said "I'll text her".

To: Perrie 💋
Hey, what you up to xx

I then went back onto instagram and liked the pictures she had posted. I then saw a comment from a user called zakdavies539 that said "you look flawless😍 I miss you P". I found my insides boiling at the comment who was he? What made it worse was Perrie commented back just as I was reading it. She had replied "thanks babe☺️ hope to see you soon💋".
"What's wrong with you?" Jesy asked.
"Me? Nothing" I replied.
"Alright, have you text her?" she asked looking hopeful. I nodded in response. I found myself clicking on this guys profile and saw he was a pretty good looking guy. He was from Newcastle too and as I was scrolling I saw him with a guy I recognised called Sam. He sat next to me in Biology in high school. I didn't know who this Zak boy was but I already didn't like him. I was frowning whilst scrolling through his pictures then I landed on one I wished I hadn't seen.

zakdavies539: miss this beauty😍 #prom #stunner #southshields4eva

The picture was him and Perrie at prom with his arms wrapped around Perrie's waist. Yes this picture was old but he had only posted it 3 weeks ago. I then found Perrie's comment and I found myself getting even more angry.

perrielouise10: miss you too zakory😉😏 x

My phone then buzzed which brought me back to reality. I clicked the message and saw it was Perrie replying back to me.

From: Perrie 💋
Morning beauty, just out in the city! Doing a bit of shopping with Katherine, what are you up to xxx

To: Perrie 💋
I'm still in bed🙈 you look stunning today by the way😍😍xxx

From: Perrie 💋
Aww thankyou, what are you and Jesy doing? Leigh is meeting me in town at 12:30 as Kat has to go, you should come??xxx

"Perrie wants us to go with Leigh into town at 12:30 if you're up for it" I said looking over at Jesy.
"Just us guys?" I nodded "Ok then, I'm in, we have to make you look as good as Perrie though".
"Are you kidding? That's never going to happen" I laughed.

To: Perrie 💋
We're in, see you soooooon xxx

I then knocked on the wall a few times and said Leigh's name.
"Jade? Why are you knocking on my wall" I heard her laughing.
"It's easier than coming over and these walls are thin. We are going to town with you to meet Perrie if that's alright" I told her.
"Yeah that's cool, I will come over once I'm ready" she replied. I then got up and rushed to my wardrobe not knowing what to where.
"I'm thinking some skinny jeans, a nice top and those killer boots you have" Jesy said from behind me.
"You pick my outfit for me, I need to tackle this mane of mine" I replied running into the bathroom.
"We have an hour chill Jade" Jesy called after me. An hour was no where near enough time to look half decent infront of Perrie. She looked so good today and I couldn't look like a tramp next to her.

I spent the next half hour sorting out my mane and then quickly got dressed. Jesy was just finishing her hair. There was a knock on the door and I ran to answer it not even greeting Leigh and instead grabbing my makeup bag. I felt Leigh and Jesy grab either side of my shoulders and sit me down in a chair.
"Sit, we are going to make you look beautiful" Leigh said "stop stressing you could show up in a bin bag and she would still find you flawless". I let out a sigh and just closed my eyes letting the girls get to work on making me look like a queen.

"All done, you look gorgeous Jade" Leigh said whilst Jesy hummed in agreement. I got up and headed to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. They had done a pretty good job. I looked nicer than usual but didn't feel like I lived up to Perrie's beauty. I quickly took a selfie and put it on instagram and added the caption "town with my girlies 💋👭". I then grabbed my bag and left with the girls.
"How are we getting there?" I asked.
"Lucky for you I can drive" Leigh smiled holding up her car keys. We made our way into the car and I sat in the back letting Jesy ride shotgun with Leigh. I glanced at my phone to see Perrie had liked my selfie. I clicked onto it then to see she had commented.
"perrielouise10: 😍😍😍😍 marry me💍"
I laughed and just locked my phone. Leigh turned on the radio and then started to sing along to Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. I soon found me and Jesy joining in. Someone's phone began to ring and I saw it was Leigh's. Jesy grabbed it and answered.
"Hello there Pezza, yes I'll put you on speaker!" Jesy said "say hello".
"Heyyyyyy! Katherine just left and I'm sat in Costa on my own. I need you guys to hurry up". Jesy then signalled at me to stay quiet.
"Erm Pez, I have some bad news" Jesy said with a smirk.
"Oh, erm, what's up?" she said awkwardly.
"Jade felt a bit under the weather so decided not to come, you're stuck with me and Leigh" she said holding in a laugh whilst Leigh shook her head.
"You're kidding! I only dressed this good in hopes of seeing her! Damn it, this is just my luck. I only invited you guys so she would come!" Perrie said getting mad.
"Hey that's not cool! We are supposed to be your friends Perrie" Leigh said.
"You are, I'm kidding. We will still have a good time just wish Jade would have come. I was going to suggest us going to Nandos and I was going to pay" she sighed.
"You can pay for me if you want" Jesy teased.
"No thank you!" Perrie laughed "how far away are you?"
"We are just pulling into the car park. Stay where you are we will meet you at Costa" Leigh said. They then said goodbye and hung up.
"Ok so the plan is. Jade you linger in the shadows and we go meet Perrie. Then once we are infront of you and Perrie can't see you. Come up behind her and surprise her" Jesy suggested and Leigh nodded along.
"Why are we doing this again?" I asked.
"Pay back for kicking me out the other night" Jesy laughed.
"Hey you had fun at mine!" Leigh said sticking her tongue out. I quickly text Perrie to go along with the plan.

To: Perrie 💋
Sorry I can't make it😔 I feel so ill xx

From: Perrie 💋
Don't worry about it babe, I will come round later and look after you xx

She was going to kill me. Well she was actually going to kill Jesy and Leigh. We made our way out of the car and Jesy found a spot for me to wait in where I could see them but hopefully Perrie couldn't see me. They made their way over to Costa and then I saw them come out of the door with Perrie. I looked at Perrie and everytime I see her she looks even better in person. I saw Jesy glance over at me and give me a slight nod and I made my way towards them. They had their backs to me but I could hear what they were saying.
"Yeah, we just got into the car and she looked really sickly. Poor Jadey" Leigh said. I got even closer and I was basically on Perrie's heels.
"I hope she's alright, I don't like knowing she's ill" Perrie said sadly. I had a little confidence and slipped my arms around Perrie's waist and she suddenly stopped and jumped in fear.
"I'm fine Perrie" I laughed. Perrie quickly spun round.
"Wha- wait? You're not ill? I'm so confused" Perrie said.
"That's for making me stay out of MY room the other night" Jesy laughed. Perrie suddenly frowned but then grabbed my hand and laced her fingers with mine.
"Whatever, I don't care, Jade's here and its made my day" Perrie smiled and I found myself blushing "where do you want to go babe?" I suddenly remembered Perrie had mentioned Nandos on the phone.
"I'm hungry, can we get that Nandos you mentioned earlier?" I asked with a shy smile.
"You heard that?" she sighed. Jesy and Leigh started laughing loudly and Perrie sent them a glare.
"You guys go we aren't hungry yet" Leigh said with a smile whilst Jesy agreed along with her.
"Yeah babe, lets go get Nandos" Perrie smiled "leave these idiots to get up to more mischief". We made our way hand in hand towards the nearest Nandos. We went through the door and was met by a waitress.
"Table for two please" Perrie smiled. Suddenly this felt more like a date and that Jesy and Leigh had not come deliberately.

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