Chapter Six - Invincible - Amber and Jackson POV

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Amber POV

Waiting for the call that didn't seem like it was ever going to come killed me more with every second that passed. I had calculated the flight time from NY to Australia and when that had passed I couldn't stop the sinking feeling deep within my soul. I called Daniel who assured me that everything would be fine and to go back to sleep. Except I couldn't go back to sleep, I hadn't been asleep in the first place.

I sat there staring at the phone all night, until the sun rose and filled the living room. Finally as if by a miracle the cellphone vibrated, except it wasn't Jackson. It was my Dad.

I picked up the phone and held it to my ear. "Morning Dad." I croaked.

"Where are you?" he asked, his voice was brusque.

The pit of despair pooling in my stomach deepened. Hearing from Dad wasn't unusual, but this was different.

"At the apartment. Why?" I replied, I knew he could hear the fear in my voice, I was doing little to hide it.

"I'm on my way. Don't turn on the TV, I'll be there soon."

I yawned, two nights of no sleep were affecting me, so much so that I was at risk of falling asleep on my feet. I walked toward the TV. "Why Dad." But I knew why, in my heart I knew why. Something had happened.

"Just listen to me Amber. Please."

He hung up and for a full minute I stood in front of the TV with the phone to my ear. His instructions were clearly to save myself hurt, but it was too late, the damage was done. I ignored his request and turned the TV on. A breaking news report was up on the screen, but the volume was down so low I couldn't hear what they were saying. My hands shook as I pressed the volume button.

"The plane landed in the Pacific Ocean and the distress beacon sounded shortly after. We have search and rescue party out, and should have an update soon."

Plane, ocean, crash? My mouth became dry as I walked backward and sat down on the sofa staring at the screen waiting for evidence that they weren't talking about Jacksons plane, evidence I knew wasn't coming. When my parents arrived they knocked a few times, but I didn't move. Scared I would miss something.

Dad knew where I kept the spare key and within a few seconds he and mom were beside me in the apartment. When Dad turned the TV off I knew the truth I was ready for was coming. I knew that he was here because it had been Jackson's plane. I shook my head and stood up, stepping away from my parents worried gazes. "No." I pleaded, for what little good it would do.

"Honey. You should sit down." Dad soothed.

Tears lined my eyes. Not Jackson.

I walked back to the sofa, but only because my legs threatened to give out on me. Dad placed his arm around my shoulders and Mom sniffed back her emotion.

"The plane that crashed was Jacksons. Xavier called earlier this morning."

For a moment it felt like I was boneless, like every part of my being was about to slide into a mush of desperation. I looked at my father and shook my head. "But he's okay right?" I said. He had to be okay. My life without him was meaningless.

Dad's face became stony, he looked down at the floor and then took a deep breath. "We don't know. No one knows anything."

I stood up and distanced myself from my parents again. I closed my eyes and prayed that this was some sick worry induced dream, but when my eyes opened and my parent's faces were still in front of me I broke. I ran for the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I dry retched, as the fear and shock began to sink in.

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