Blood of A Seeker -31-

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Nothing frightened me more than the burning scarlet eyes that belonged to the Seekers. The moment the spell was released, a strange ripple of the air around us stretched out for several hundred metres radius. I could feel it extend, cover as much land as possible.

I could feel the power continuously flowing through Katherine’s fingers linked with mine, filling me with a growing energy that didn’t seem to stop.

“Now!” I heard Rosemarie shout triumphantly at the top of her lungs.

Every Seeker in sight lay on the ground, their furious red eyes glaring at us from where they lay, frozen and paralysed by the code.

“It’s not going to hold for long!” I wheezed, feeling the code start to weaken when I let go of Katherine’s hand and charged forward, igniting my fists.

“Then we get to them before they can get to us!” Jocelyn shouted scrambling forward.

The unmistakable cries of the Specialists behind us erupted through the air as they slashed at our predators who lay useless and snarling. Half-bloods or not, they had been awakened and there was no turning back. I only hoped it wouldn’t be the same case with Tucker.

With the dagger in one hand and a crew of Specialists keeping an eye on me, I slashed deep into the chest of a Seeker at my feet. The life left their eyes almost instantaneously and for a moment, they looked harmlessly human. I tried not to even consider if they were half-bloods or not. The fact that I may have killed a human – or something that once was one was too horrific. Adrenaline numbed these thoughts and urged me forward.

From the corner of my eye, four fleeing figures branched out into different directions, a horde of Specialists tagging after them. They were getting into position, where the other hives were. I just hoped I got the one with Tucker.

Gradually, more movement started rousing in my vision. I turned and felt the blood drain from my cheeks at the sight of the Seekers stumbling to their feet. The code was weakening and before long, I’d be against them on my own. Everybody else was too busy trying to get to all of the Seekers before they got to us.

Clenching my fists, a sheet of orange formed beneath my feet and flew me upwards. Out in the distance, tiny specks all gathered together were positioned in four different places across Fairwyn. Jocelyn’s signature blonde head of hair and bright yellow colours gave her away. I caught her already halfway towards her assigned hive and section with a team of Chroma trailing hot on her heels. She’d be fine.

I threw my hands into the air and a web of orange forming a tracking code pulsed above me. Multiple rays of light shot out, pointing to five different areas of Seeker concentration. Where the Queens were bound to be located.

A shrill, high-pitched screech pierced the air and sent me to my knees on the platform. I held my hands up to my ears, urgently trying to block out the sound. My head felt like it was about to explode –

A burst of pure yellow light exploded in the air to my left, the shrill scream fading almost instantly. Jocelyn had done her part without a hitch. There were only four more left to go.

I anxiously searched the perimeter, looking for another burst of colour to jet into the sky when screams of pain erupted from beneath where I stood in the sky. Glancing down, I was horrified to find a swarm-like formation had gathered below, a lone figure in the centre as they encircled my team of Specialists. The only way I could help them was to kill the Queen but in doing that, I would risk Tucker’s life. I chewed on my lip, throwing wave after wave of exploding orange light but it was no use: they were heavily outnumbered. And the signal hadn’t gone off yet: where was Tucker?

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