Chapter 23

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-Skip To Monday-

Noah rose from the couch and went to the door, opening it as Gage knocked on the door. Gage looked down at him. "Ready to go?" He asked Noah. Noah sigeed. "Not really, but I don't really have a choice." He responded. Gage frowned. "I know you're not, but you'll be ok. I'll protect you, OK?"

Noah slowly nodded. "Alright, fine...." He followed Gage outside to his car and climbed in. Then they drove off to school.

Gage pulled into the schools parking lot and parked his car. Noah looked out the window and stared at the school for a few seconds before grabbing his backpack that sat by his feet and getting out. He heard Gage's door shut followed by the car locking. Gage walked around the car and to Noah, grabbing his hand.

They walked up to the school and in together. They walked down the hall and was stared at the whole time. A couple people came up and asked to see if Noah felt better, but other than that, no one really bothered them.

They reached the cafeteria and found Jessica standing in the doorway with two guys. She looked over and saw Noah and Gage, then smirked. She pushed herself away from the wall and walked towards them. Noah whimpered a little, feeling himself starting to panic. Gage gave his hand a comforting squeeze as he watched her.

She finally reached them and stopped infront of them. "Hello, hello~" She grinned at them. Gage glared a little at her as Noah remained quiet and stared down at the ground. "What do you want." Gage demanded to know.

"Mm, don't be so mean~" She chuckled. Gage shook his head and walked around her, taking Noah with hhim. Noah followed quietly. Jessica rolled her eyes as she watched them go into the cafeteria.

-Last Period-

Noah's chair sat right against Gage's as he had his head resting against his shoulder. The phone rang and he watched as te teacher went and answered it. She talked a moment before nodding and hanging up.

"Noah, you have to go to the office." She instructed. Noah sighed and sat up, looking at Gage, who looked from his homework to him. "Probably for what happened with the jocks." Noah said. Gage nodded. "Yeah, probably. If you're in there for all of 13th period, I'll meet you outside the highschool doors where the benches are, OK?" He said.

Noah nodded and stood up, grabbing his things. "Alright." He slid his backpack over his shoulder and went up to the teacher who wrote him a pass. He took it and walked out of the classroom and to the office.

-Skip To End Of 13th Period-

Gage sat on the bench waiting for Noah when Natasha walked up to him. She smiled softly. "Hey, where's Noah?" She asked. Gage pointed to the entrance. "In there, talking to the principal."

She nodded. "Ok. I have to go home, but are you going trick or treating tomorrow?"

Gage nodded. "Yeah, you?" Natasha shruged. "Not sure yet. Maybe." She replied back. He nodded.

"Alright. Text us if decide, OK?" He said. Natasha smiled and nodded. "Ok. See ya." She waved and walked away. Gage watched her leave then looked back at the entrance. It wasn't until around 4 that Noah finally came out. Gage stood up when he saw him. "Hey, how did it go?"

Noah walked up to him. "Fine. He was telling me that the guys who attacked me were expelled and are gonna be charged." Noah explained. Gage nodded. "Good, just like they should be." Noah nodded. "You got that right. Ready to go home?"

Gage nodded. "Yeah, lets go." They began walking to Noah's house. "Natasha's going to text one of us later to tell is if she's going to go trick or treating tomorrow night." Gage said. Noah nodded. "Alright."

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