Chapter 11

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-Saturday, In The City-

Noah stared in awe as they drove through Rochester. Gage glanced over at him and chuckled heartedly. "Have you ever been here before?" He asked. Noah nodded, still staring at all the cars and building they passed. "No, I have. I just really love cities." Noah explained. "Ah." Gage nodded.

"Which mall do you like best?"

"Mm... Greece Ridge." Gage nodded. "ok, that one's cool. Maybe we can even stop at a movie while there." Noah smiled and nodded, then quickly looked at Gage's side of the road as they passed an airport and a plance was taking off. Noah watched as the place got closer to the road before the pilot pulled up, lifting the plane off the ground.

"Wow...." Noah said in amazement. "I've never been in a plane before. Have you?" He questioned curiously, looking at Gage. Gage nodded. "Yeah. Once when I went to Disney."

"You've been to Disney?! Ooh, you're so lucky!" Noah pouted, making Gage laugh. "Maybe I can take you with me sometime. We'll go together." Noah blushed lightly. "Ok, but we'd have to drive, I'm petrified of heights."

"Aw, I'm sure I'll be able to get you on one."

"Mm, we'll see about that."

When they arrived at to the mall, Gage parked by the food court and they went in. As soon as they were in, they were hit by the strong smell of food. "Mm! I love the mall!" Noah said happily. Gage smirked at him. "You sound like a teenage girl." He commented. Noah playfully glared and punched his shoulder. "Shut up, I do not!" Gage snorted. "You punch like one, too."

"Hmph!" Noah crossed his arm and went to a place that sells different drinks and sweets. Gage followed behind Noah as he approached it, eyeing the different options.

"Pick anything you want. I'm paying for everything you buy." Gage stated simply, leaving no room for an arguement, but Noah didn't get the hint, for he quickly shook his head. "No way, I can't let you do that." he looked up at Gage, who looked down at him. "Too bad, now what do you want to drink?"


"Noah, answer the question and don't argue with me." Shutting his mouth, Noah sighed in defeat and looked up at the board with all the option on it. "Um, i guess I'll have the Mocha Latte." Gage nodded ad ordered two of them. While he paid for them, Noah stood there staring at him, taking in all his features.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was falling for Gage; hard. It was hard not to, he was perfect. He was handsome, sweet, loving, caring, dunny, protective, everything he wanted in a guy. Noah shook his head and looked away from Gage, thinking, 'Dear god, he's right! I do sound like a teenage girl!'

When the drinks came, Gage thanked the woman and grabbed both the latte's, turning to Noah, who was leaning against the glass, deep in thought. Gage nudged Noah gently with his elbow, causing the young teen to jump a little. "Y-Yes!" Noah said, unsure if he had been asked a question.

Gage rose an eyebrow and held Noah's latte out to him. "This is yours." Noahs face instantly went red from embarrassment as he took it. "Right, sorry, thanks...." He took a sip from the straw and looked away. Gage nodded, taking a swig from his own.

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