Chapter 6

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-The Next Day At School-

When Gage walked into school the next today, everyone went quiet and was staring at him. He looked around, a little confused, but didn't say anything. He had only been there for 3 days, weren't people a little used to him by now? He shrugged off the stares and went to the cafeteria.

When he got there, he found Noah at one of the lunch tables, his face buried in his arms rested on the table, and a girl was sitting next to him, rubbing his back. Gage frowned, having a feeling something was wrong, and walked across the lunch room and up to them. The girl looked up at him. "You must be Gage. I'm Natasha." She said softly.

Gage nodded and pointed to Noah. "Is he OK?" He asked. Natasha frowned and shook her head, looking at Noah. Noah sniffled and peeked out from his arms, looking up at Gage. Gage could see that his eyes had a dark red around them from all of the crying he had done.

Gage pulled out the chair on the other side of Noah and also rubbed his back. "Hey, bud, what's wrong?" He asked softly. Noah took a shaky breath and slowly sat up, revealing his busted up bottom lip.

Gage's eyes widened. "What happened?!" Noah sat all the way up and leaned back in his chair, looking down at his lap and playing with his fingers.

"I-I was walking to school th-this morning when these t-two guys a-attacked me. They w-were calling me the f-f word and t-telling me to g-go run and cry t-to my b-boyfriend, y-you...." Noah explained, trying not to cry.

Gage pulled Noah into a hug, knowing who started the rumor. Natasha silently watched. "Why would people think you two are together?"

"I think I know why." Gage said as he pulled away from the hug. Noah looked at him, as did Natasha. "Why?" They both asked in unison.

"Last night, I went to the park with Jessica and I told her that I thought Noah was nice and cute and that I wouldn't mind dating him, and that must have made her mad, because she said some nasty things about him. It made me mad and so I told the bitch off." Gage told them.

Noah blushed when Gage called him cute and say about dating him, but frowned. "What did Jessica say about me?" Gage hesitated, not wanting to tell him and hurt his feelings. Finally, he decided it would be best if he knew. "She called you a loser and was saying you only had 2 friends, and that she actually hated you...." "Oh...." Noah looked down, hurt.

Gage panicked a little, not wanting Noah to be sad. He hated when people were sad. He quickly pulled Noah into another hug. "Hey, don't be sad. She's clearly not a real friend, and she's a bitch. Plus, you still have me and Natasha." Natasha nodded in agreement.

Noah sniffled a little. "I know. You guys won't leave me, right?"

"Of course not! Noah, I've known you since preschool! We're buddies!" Natasha said. Noah pulled away from the hug and smiled a little, nodding. "I know." Natasha grinned and looked at the clock. "The bell is gonna ring any minute, so we should probably head to our classes." She grabbed her garbage and backpack. "See you two later." She kissed their cheeks and left.

Noah giggled and watched her leave, then looked at Gage. "What class do you have? I forgot." He asked, wanting to get off the previous topic.

"Math 3." Gage answered. "Oh, right. Your class if right next to mine." Noah grabbed his backpack and stood. Gage did the same and they both walked to class.

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