Chapter 8

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-The Next Day, Friday-

"You didn't have to drive me." Noah said as he looked at Jason who had just parked his car in the school parking lot. "I did. After hearing what happened yesterday, I'm paranoid. I don't want you to get hurt again, and if you do, I will find out who it is and take their asses to court."

Noah softly bit the good side of his lip. "Fine....." Jason leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "Have a good day at school." He said. Noah nodded and climbed out of the car. "I'll try. Have fun at work." Jason chuckled. "Yeah, as if that's possible."

Noah grinned and shut the car door. He turned and walked across the high schools mini bus loop then into the school. Once again, he decided to carry his backpack around with him, he still didn't trust anyone. He went straight to the lunch room, which wasn't far from the entrance.

He walked in and found Jessica sitting at the 'popular' kids table. She looked at him and glared. He knew he had to walk by her to get to his table. Biting his lip, he walked to the table.

"Faggot." "Queer." "Gay." He head them say as he walked by. He fought back the tears as he reached his table and sat down, putting his backpack on it. 'Why do people have to be so mean?', he thought quietly to himself as he stared at his lap and waited for Gage and Natasha.

They ended up walking in about 5 minutes later. The two had to walk by Jessica's table, but as soon as they said something to them, they shoved the table into them making everyone there yelp in pain. One thing Noah's learned since meeting them , don't piss them off, they will will hunt your ass down.

They got to the table and sat down.

"You know, you said you were gonna text me last night when you got home, but you never did." Gage crossed his arms and pouted. "Sorry, when I got home I talked to my brother then went to bed." Noah told him.

"Mm, it's fine, but if you do that again, I'll go to your house." Gage said, making Noah giggle. "Alright, deal." Gage smirked and leaned back in his seat.

Natasha's eyes lit up when she got an idea. "Hey! You know what we should do tonight?" "Hm?" Gage and Noah looked at her. "We should go to Walmart!" Gage rose an eyebrow as Noah tilted his head. "Why Walmart?" Gage asked. "Because we can cause a lot of trouble there!" She grinned.

Noah giggled softly. Natasha grinned. "So? What do you say?" Gage nodded. "I'm in. That sounds like fun." Natasha looked at Noah who also nodded. "I'll do it." Natasha grinned. "Great! Meet me at my car after school." Noah and Gage both nodded.

-After School-

Natasha stood by her car, waiting for Gage and Noah to show up. While she waited, one of the guys from Jessica's new 'friends' showed up and she glared at him. "What do you want?" He smirked and walked up to her. "Come on, baby, don't be like that."

"Call me baby again, and I'll run you over with my car."

"Ooh, feisty! I like that." Natasha growled. "How about you and me-"

"The girl said no." Natasha looked past the guy and the guy turned around to see Ash, a kid a year older than them that was normally pretty quiet. He walked close. "So leave her alone." Brad, the guy from Jessica's group, turned around to face him. "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do if I don't?" Brad stepped closer to him.

"I'll call a teacher of the principal over here." Ash said. "Oh, I'm so scared!" Brad mocked. Ash stood there with a straight look on his face before opening his mouth. "Mr. Blue!!!" He screamed for the principal. Brad's eyes widened before he quickly scattered off.

Natasha watched before looking at Ash and grinning. "Thanks, I was starting too think that I really did need to run him over with my car." Ash chuckled and walked up to her. "I'm glad I was able to help. What are you doing out here, anyways? Shouldn't you be on your way home?" Natasha nodded.

"Yeah. I'm waiting for two of my friends, Noah and Gage." "Oh, are they really together? If so, I don't care. I'm bi." Natasha shook her head. "No, they're not." Ash nodded.

Just then, Noah and Gage came running up to them. "Sorry we're late! This one had to go to the bathroom and took forever!" Noah said, gesturing his thumb at Gage. Gage chuckled. "Hey, you gotta go, you gotta go." "Yes, but not 5 minutes!" Gage wrapped his arm around Noah's shoulder. Noah rolled his eyes and looked at Ash. "Who's that?" He asked.

"I'm Ash." Ash said. "I helped Natasha out."

Noah rose an eyebrow. "Helped her out with what? What happened?" Natasha shook her head. "It was nothing, don't worry about it." "Mm..." Noah dropped it, but was still really curious.

"So, you ready to go?" She asked, changing the subject. Noah and Gage nodded. "Yep." They said in unison. Natasha looked at Ash. "If you want to come with us, you can." She said. Ash smiled, but shook his head. "No thanks, but I'll see you Monday, OK?" Natasha nodded in understanding. "OK, see ya." She watched as he walked away before looking at the other two. "OK, everyone in the car!" She said with a big grin on her face.

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