Chapter 7

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-3rd Period-

Gage and Noah walked to Studio In Art together. They could feel all the eyes on them, once again. All morning people had been staring at them and shouting names. Noah had decided to carry his backpack around, not trusting his stuff alone in his locker.

Gage glared at everyone, making them to scared to actually hurt them, but not to scared to say things about them.

On their way to Studio, one of the preppy girls approached them. They both stopped and looked at her. "What?" Gage said. "Are you two really together?" She asked in a sorta high pitched voice. Gage growled in annoyance.

"No. For the hundredth fucking time, we're not together." The girl grinned. "OK, bye!" She quickly skipped off to her friends. Gage and Noah glanced at each other and continued walking to Studio.

When they walked in, the bell rang. They both grabbed a small, square shaped paper and sat down to work on they Zen Tiles. Jessica grinned at Gage as he sat down beside her. "Do you regret what said now?" She whispered as they drew. Gage glared at her. "Fat chance, bitch. You feel proud spreading around a false rumor?"

She glared back. "Go to hell, fag." Natasha heard that and slid down in her chair, far enough to give Jessica a hard kick on the shin. Jessica yelped, jumping and quickly brought her leg up, accidentally smashing her knee on the table. Natasha quickly sat back up and secretly grinned to herself, pretending to work on her tile as everyone else looked at them.

Gage looked over at her as she glanced up at him grinning. He chuckled and they both continued working.

-After School-

Gage and Noah walked side by side as they walked to Gage's house. It was a quiet walk there, but the two really didn't feel like talking.

When they got to Gage's house, they went in and took off their shoes. "So, you have a PS?" Noah said to him. It was the first thing they had said to each other since they had left the school. Gage nodded. "Yeah. It's in my room." He said. "Can we play it?" Noah asked shyly. Gage grinned. "Of course. Follow me." Noah dumped his backpack on the couch and followed Gage upstairs to his room.

They walked in and Noah belly flopped on to Gage's bed. "What games do you have?" Noah asked. "Well,lets see." Gage walked over to his entertainment center and opened it. He looked through all of his games. "Mm, I have Raw Wrestling-" "YES!" Gage jumped as Noah shouted. He chuckled softly. "I'm guessing that one."

Noah blushed at his burst of excitement and nodded. Gage grabbed the game and popped it in, then handed Noah a remote and they started playing.

-After Games-

"See you tomorrow." Noah said as he finished putting on his shoes and stood up straight. Gage nodded. "See ya, be careful. Text me when you get home."

"I know, I will." Noah said and swung his backpack over his shoulder. "Bye." He said and left the house. As he started to walk down the sidewalk, he pulled out his phone and headphones and put them in his ears, blasting Where's My Wonderland by Blood On The Dance Floor.

Noah looked up at the night sky as he walked and slightly smiled. He walked until he got him then went inside to find his brother sitting on the couch, watching TV. Jason looked over when he heard the door open. Noah took off his shoes and walked over, flopping down on to the couch next to Jason.

Jason grinned at him. "Hey, bro. Where have you been?" He said. "At a friends." Noah said, not looking at Jason. He really didn't want Jason to see his lip yet, even though he knew that sooner or later he would. "Ooh, a boy?" Jason teased. He knew Noah was gay and was OK with it. He was to.

Noah blushed darkly and playfully punched Jason in his shoulder. "Sh-Shut up!" Jason chuckled and looked at Noah, but his eyes went wide.

"Noah, what happened?!" He freaked out, quickly grabbing his brothers chin and turning it more to face him. Noah adverted his eyes down to the couch, not wanting to worry Jason. "It's nothing..." He tried to ensure him. "Bullshit, it's nothing! Who did this to you?!"

"I-I don't know...." Noah whispered, not liking that he was getting yelled at. "I was jumped this morning on my way to school...." Jason frowned and pulled Noah into a tight hug, in which Noah quickly hugged back. He buried his face into Jason's shoulder.

They stayed like that for a minute before pulling away and looking at each other. Jason set his hand on Noah's shoulder. "Do you know why it happened?" Jason asked, wanting to at least know who someone would hurt his little brother and maybe help. Noah nodded.

"Yeah... Jessica turned on me and told everyone that me and the new kid are dating just because me and him are becoming good friends. She liked him, tried tot get in his pants, he told her he thought I was cute and wouldn't mind dating me, she got mad and said somethings, he told her off, and now she's po'd. Today was horrible. All day people were staring at us and asking us if we were together." Noah explained.

"If you have a problem,, I'll go down to your school and talk to your principal for you." Jason said.

Noah gave a small smile and shook his head no. "No, but thank you." He yawned and stood up, giving Jason a kiss on the cheek. "I'm tired, so I'm going to bed." "Night, love you."

"I love you too." Noah said and disappeared to his room.

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