Chapter 2: Secrets

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I was horrified to find out my sister knows about what happened at band camp. How did she know? I never told a soul. The only people that know are me and the other person. I stood in her path making sure she wasn’t considering telling mom and dad any ways. But I have a secret too so if she values what rep she has, she wont say a word. But I get the feeling some thing bigger is going on. I need to find out. Charlotte doesn’t have just any type of nightmares she dreams things she fears most. And by the looks of it, this secret is juicy. I smirked down at her happily. I let her passed by moving out of the way. She made down the narrow hall way. I couldn’t help but run up from behind her and push her small body against the wall harshly. She screamed out in agony. Like she always does. I ran through the living room and up the stairs assuming she’d chase me. I was wrong. I only herd her bickers and moans as they came up the stairs. I closed my bed room door and then got the idea. I’ll hide in her closet to get information. Then I slid into the small room and closed the solid door but kept it open enough to hear. I herd Amy and Charlotte come into the room chatting about the party and boys. . Yuck!

“Amy, I don’t remember much from last night.” Charlie’s voice was distressed and worried.

“And?” Amy pond sullenly. I rolled my eyes at this girl talk. Come on get to the good stuff.

“Can you tell me if I left early with Blake?” Charlie begged Amy for information. My mouth hung open as they spilled the beans to one and other. I herd Amy’s girly laugh echo in the room.

“Yeah you guys left early. I bet you had a better time with him then you did at my party.” Amy said happily. I herd Charlie’s wince loudly as she put things together.

“Was Avery there?” Charlotte asked curiously. I was wide eyed as I squatted in the closet alone. Amy laughed again louder; her girly laugh annoyed my ears.

“No! Why the fuck would your brother be there?” Amy asked snobbishly. I rolled my eyes and snarled slightly at her stupid comment.

“I don’t know. I just had a weird dream last night.” Charlie replied with a weak voice.

“Okay, we’re going out. First to my house so you can choose what you want to wear then we’re going to the mall.” Amy demanded with a strong voice. Charlie giggled slightly as they both got up off the bed and left the room. I stayed silent in the closet for a long moment. I was stunned. My sister, the person born after me lost if before me. I was certainly annoyed by this. But if I am too keep digging. I need to be free of any black mailing material. I sighed as I left the room. I went across the hall to my room. I stopped in the center of the hall to realize something. It was really quiet and it’s a Sunday, afternoon. I looked around nervously. Trying to find the person that killed my little brothers and sister. I looked around. I honestly hate the quiet. I’ve hated it since Matt was born. With just me and my sister. I had no one to play with, but when Matt was born I had some one to play with. And things got better when Bobby was born. But Charlie was the only girl and she never really liked to do the things we did. But when Abby was born we were about eleven. And Charlie was all interested until she was thirteen. Then Abby had to learn to play with Bobby and Matt. I still play games with them in the back yard. I also teach them how to play video games. But my space was nice. I poked my head into Abby and Bobby’s room. It was dark with very little light peeking through the curtains. Two lumps in each bed were easy to spot. Abby and Bobby were down for their nap. I nodded and closed the door heading back to my room. I waddled back into my room realizing I was still in my boxers and a tee. I sighed as the cold that was trapped in my room escaped and swished passed me. I shivered and closed my door. Entering the room with rock posters and video games posters plastered the walls. My video gamming chair had a pair of jeans slouched over the top. My fingers wrapped around the denim and slid my legs through the slots, pulling them up carefully. I looked over to the T.V stand and a pile of video games piled high against the stand. My controllers sat beside the console. I sighed again as I realized that I needed to clean my room. Clothes scattered the floor and my bed was a mess. Pillows every where, the navy blue blanket twisted and knotted. I thought of ways to tell my parents about what happened at band camp a few months back. I told myself way of telling them as I cleaned my room.

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