Mistakes (A My Chemical Romance Problem)

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15 years later. . .


Living in New Jersey is hard, especially when your dad is a rock star. But it’s also hard when you’re a freak! I’m not known as Charlotte Iero but the twins. My older brother Avery is born a few minutes before me and he takes that for advantage. I maybe smaller but I can pack a good punch. My mom and dad have three other little kids. But unlike my mom, I’m not the only girl. I have a little sister, Abby. She is five. And I have two little brothers, Matt and Bobby. Matt is eight and Bobby is six. Anyways I’m just a normal American girl. I have a mom that bakes, amazing cookies by the way, a dad who worries when ever I go out with friends, I a brother who doesn’t care what I do, and I have an amazing boyfriend. My mom says I look like my dad with the hazel eyes and the dark hair that slightly curls at the ends. I some times dream of having a family some day. Not an Italian family but an American. I can’t stand the fact that my family is Italian. It just doesn’t make sense. I can’t wait to live in a small town some where by the sea, have a house full of kids. My family is like every other American family. The only thing different with my family is my mom has nine brothers and so I have tons! Of cousins. I have a cousin named Bandit, which is a cool name. I’m basically like any other girl. I go to school, hang out with friends, avoid home work, worry my parents to death. But the things I can do that most girls my age can’t is play lead guitar, base, drums and sing. Avery can only play drums and damn he is really fast. Any ways this is my life and struggles.


New Jersey is awesome. I love the city life. My friend’s d too. In the summer time I dread to leave for Louisiana. But I do come back a whole hell of a lot tanned. My mom and dad started taking me and my twin sister, Charlie when we were one. Charlotte is such a cheerleader. She doesn’t see the fact that her ‘friends’ are using her. They’re only using her to get some fame. Unlike my friends they don’t care what happens to Charlie. Half the time they don’t even pay attention to her. But she puts all of the energy into looking good; acting good and it’s draining her of all her time. Her friends don’t even come to band practise to cheer her on. Hell she was the laughing stock of the whole school and they didn't care. Oh by the way Charlie goes the Belleville High school unlike me. I go to the school our mom started for the gifted. My dad says I look like my mom but my mom says I look like my dad. I have my dad’s eyes but my hair isn’t dark like his. I have very light brown, dark blonde hair like my mom. I play drums, in my opinion I suck but my dad says I should go to band practise with him one night. He still plays with My Chemical Romance. I am a huge fan, maybe even a Kill Joy. Anyways this is a story of my family, my friends, my love and my life. 

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