Short and battles

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( hey guys, I wanted you guys to know that have to stop writing. all my grades are Cs and Fs, and though I allready don't write much, i'll try to pick up my sorry butt. well to the chapter.)

Point of view; none

" Lets do it wargrowlmon" Chaz yelled out to wargrowlmon. " you too black wargrowlmon!" Shouted Akiduchi ( I didn't remember to write her name last chapter, sorry -.-) the growlmon charged, locking into a battle between the dark digimons. wargrowlmon fought virus metalgreymon and black wargrowlmon fought skull greymon. wargrowlmon had claws griped ageist virus m-greymon's claws. they both couldn't use there big attacks at this range without hurting themselves. at the same time, b-wargrowlmon and skullgreymon were in a mix black and white. " You can do it wargrowlmon" Chaz shouted out. At the same time Chaz and wargrowlmon cried out. " ATOMIC BLASTER!!!" the blast hit viris metalgreymon and he cried out with rage. " curse you warrior of courage! I will rise again!" then he exploded into data. Chaz looked over to see that Akiduchi had already won here battle. now the was quiet.

(Short I know, but you know what! you know what!!! I'm sorry that its short. ill try better. until then, this is spiritofomega signing off-)

:Brandon walks off and a shadow grabs him:
Brandon; what the-
:Brandon is knocked out and dragged away...:

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