we made an army part 2

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( hey guys im trying to make longer chapters so now thats what im working on.)

I thought over what Rebecca said as we walked. I if I started an army then I would need a team of digimon. ' maybe if I start an army, Rebecca might help out.' Impmon looked over and asked," brandon you do know what is happening in the digital world right?" Impmon I just got here. I have no idea what is going on." Impmon stoped and sat down. "Well you might want to know."

" you see the digital world is made of millions of different worlds or areas. They say that if one can unite all of them under one army, then they can create a new digital world and end battles. Over the years many armys tried to do that. One group, though has took over more than half. They are called the shadow army. The use dark digimon and is ruled by someone called the digimon emperor. He uses the evil digimon known as Armageddonmon. Any one who fights it will die. They say that some heros will rise up and defeat the shadow army with the power of omega evolution."

I thought about what impmon just told me and made up my mind. "Impmon do you know how to form an army". He looked at me. " what are crazy! That would stupid, idiotic and suicide. Im in." I held up my digivice and yeld the name of the army." Omega heroes!" Right in the sky our flah appeared. It was a blue flag with an omega symbol in the middle.

"Well done brandon, general of the omega," I turned around to see that Rebecca was behind me. Thanks hey I want to ask if you would to join my army. She looked at me like she was expecting this. " because you saved renamon, I will join your army."

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