we formed an army; part one

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(Hey sorry for the wait. Anyway this capter is going to be longer than the rest.)

Point of view; Brandon

As the shadowy figures jumped at use I knew that it wasn't good. Impmon jumped and attacked. "Bat Boom!" Impmon threw the fire ball at the shadow figure. Right as the fireball hit the figure became visable. What appeared in front of use was a human like fox digimon. Even though I knew who it was l, I pulled out the new digivice and searched what it was. " renamon, rookie level. Data type digimon. Special attack is diamond storm and leaf blade."

I looked and saw that the other digimon were renamons as well but purple instead of yellow. I pulled out the digivice and hoped that there was an answer.

" Yo pineapple head, I needs a little back-up," impmon yelled at me as he was throwing fireballs. I suddenly got an idea. "Impmon aim for the yellow one!" Impmon got ready to finish the ." Bat Boom!" When the fire ball hit the yellow renamon, all the others disappeared. Renamon fell on the ground asleep. Right then a girl yelled at me from the other side of the valley.

"Sorry if renamon hurt you, by the way im rebecca." I looked at her. She was blondish- white haired and pale white. With blue eyes and a butterfly bow. I looked over to see that renamon was okay. Rebecca looked at me and asked," so brandon, are you apart of an army?" I looked at her confused. "Wait you dont have an army. Well any way if you have an army the you could try to take over the digital world. I looked over to her and replied," im not going to take over the world sorry." Then impmon and I walked off.

(Hey guys thanks for reading. I hope you guy like it, in my opinion this is the longest I've done. Anyway, vote and comment. Omega_Beelzemon

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