bunny blitz

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( this going to be an attempt at writing ten paragraphs. Wish me luck)

Point of view; nikhil

I was running with a bunny on my head. That's right I was running with a bunny clinging to my head as t-rex was chasing us. Making no scene? Well deal with it. Okay im getting yelled at by brandon to hurry up and get to the point. Okay, but im still confused. It all started for me as I was free falling to death.

Right as the portal absorbed me and the others I started free falling. All I saw as I fell was the sky and Air. I passed out 5 times and still was falling. Then a white object flew and hit me throwing both of us into a different world.

I woke up in a tree. Not how you might expect though. My underwear was caught by a tree branch and it didn't feel so good. " hey can anyone help," I said I a squeaky voice. Right then I saw a white bunny with its long ears tangled in the branches. " I would help... IF THIS TREE WASN'T BEING A JERK!!!" I looked at it strangely, but it wasn't the weirdest I've seen today. The bunny looked at me. Right then the tree started shaking. Both of us fell face first on the ground. Then I tuned and saw a t-rex coming towards us." Thats not good," the bunny said. He jumped on my head and grab my hair. He started to yell at me," run now!" I started running as fast as I can.

I normally don't run that fast unless two things. One: Laura is raging. Two: gym class. Now I have a third. Giant evil dinosaurs that want to kill me. "If this was what it was like when the cave man live then no wonder they we strong." The bunny yelled at me again," momentai!" I didn't have time to ask what he meant when the trex breathed fire at us. Right then I fell face first again. The trex had caught up to us and was ready to finish us.

point change; brandon

I knew that there was something wrong when I heard screaming. "Hey, what was that?" I asked the rest of the team. Omega heros have grown a bit. The team was still mainly made of me, impmon, Rebecca, and renamon. We had have some more digimon join. We helped a wizardmon out and he joined us. Also a betamon joined as well. The other was wormmon. They all looked around. Wizardmon turned to a path. " I heard something comeing from over there. We all ran towards the screaming. We got there to see nikhil on the ground with a terriermon on his head. A tyrannomon was towering over them ready to attack. Wizardmon knew what to do. "Magical game!!!" The attack slammed into tyrannomon making him focus on us.

Our army got ready to attack. Impmon ran up and shot the digimon with fire. The others followed and attacked as well. "

Thunder cloud"

"Diamond storm"

" terrier tornado"

" sticky thread"

"Bubble blast"

All the attacks slammed into tyrannomon sending him to the ground. Impmon ran up and got ready. " brandon you ready?" I pulled out my digivice and got ready. " impmon, digivolve!!!"

(Hey thanks. I know it wasn't 10 paragraphs, but im still trying. Also plz read CZTop13 books.)

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