blazing formation part 2

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(Hey guys thanks for reading. Fill free to tell others about this book k? Also im thinking that im going to quit writing my other books.)

(Point of view; chaz)

I woke up food r the third time with a head injury. I noticed guilmon was talking to someone or something. Guilmon turned around and saw that I was awake. "Chazmon, we have a visitor." I looked and saw the strangest digimon ever. It looked like a tokomon with impmon's ears. It looked at me with wonder. " hello do you want to be friends tow?" I looked and replied," my name is chaz not tow okay." Guilmon and the little guy laughted at what I said.

Then a earthquake shock us up." What is it with the earth hating me!!!" Then in front of us a digimon appeared out of the ground. I pulled out my digivice and searched what it was. " Digmon, armor level. Special attack gold rush." I turned and saw that guilmon's eyes where splits. Guilmon got ready and fired his attack. "Pyro sphere!" The attack spammed into digmon, but he looked unharmed. " Gold rush!" The drills slammed into guilmon, sending him flying. "Oh no tow," our little freind said.

Right then a voice shouted from a distance. "Fist of the beast king!" A flaming lion head flew towards us. Guilmon and I fell on the ground right when the attack flew over us. It hit digmon  right on target. As he bursted into data,  another digimon walked up to use. He absorbed the data and turned to use. " are you two okay." I knew the digimon from the tv show." Leomon you helped us, thanks." Leomon looked at us with honor. " it has been years since I last saw a human child. It is a rare treat." I had one slight thing that bugged me." Hey leomon can you help us find our freinds, and also are you the same leomon that met tyi and the others. He looked at me and replied," I well help you find your friends, and I am the same leomon.

(Sorry for the short  chapter.)

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