letter of sorrow

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hey readers, I got some bad news. school is out. I know that you guys might think that is a good thing, but for me its not. I have wifi and all I need to write, but the problem is bigger than that. I have lost my train and I need to try to caught it ( I know Improper words, but still.) I will still try to write, but if I do it's going to be rare. also I have a small thing for you guys to chew on. if you read the last chapter, what do you think is going to happen(comment if you have an consperety). and here is something I think some of you would like. I have been playing a game called digimon masters online and wow it is AWESOME!!! if you guys play, just keep a lot out for me as animeumbreon( that was my old name). lastly I have something to ask. what do you guys think I should do next? also if you need an idea just ask. If you have read digimon legacy and digimon spirit legacy by then you might want to know I helped him a lot. thank you all for reading


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