angel and devil

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( as I write this the real laura is siting next to me. Help. Also sorry for not updateing. Mid-terms, writers block, not feeling so hot... Anyway here you go.)

Point of view; chaz

So I left off right after leomon answered me right? Okay lets begin. It starts off simple. Something fell out of the sky and hit me in the head. I woke up after that. " I need to wear a helmet or I might lose what brain cells I have." I turned to see that laura was talking to leomon. I got up to see what was going on. Leomon turned to see I was awake." Chaz, your up. Come say hello to laura." I turned realized that she was really here and not one of the weird things I saw every hour from hitting my head to many times. We both looked at each other and had a silent agreement. We need to find the others...

(No not again! Sorry guys I need help and fast. I have lost my mind and I need some ideas for this book. HELP ME!!!!)

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