Chapter 18: "Too Drunk to Function."

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So shaving her head might have been a bad idea. Especially when the moment I placed the electric razor to her head this thing cut out and tangled in her hair at the base of her neck.

We all stood staring at the clump of metal and the tangled hair with no idea what to do next. It's fair to say we all had a mental break down.

That is until Amy appeared with a pair of scissors and began hacking away at her hair anyway.

The next thing to go wrong would be the loud bang at the door. A bang that continued to happen for ten minutes as we all stood in horrified silence around Sophies bed.

And, if this all wasn't just peachy already, Sophie began to wake up the moment the banging stopped. Which left us in the predicament that we are currently standing knee deep in.

"Shit." Amy whispered as she and Kate managed to dive into the wardrobe.

Jeremy and Chris slipped in behind them and I have no idea how the managed it to this very day. Seriously, was the fucker the gateway to Narnia? I will never know.

"Get down." Seth was suddenly pulling me under the bed and holding his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet.

No. I'm going to shout so she knows it was us that fucked up her hair.


I glared at him, still pissed for reasons undisclosed, he rolled his eyes at me and pulled me closer to his body and further away from the edge of the bed.

Sophie began to move. At first she must have rolled over, the bed creaked, then she went still.

And then. Well... That's when things went very bad.

She began to scream. She was out of the bed in seconds, hair falling from her as she stood. I watched the tendrils hit the floor and a roll of guilt swept my stomach.

I looked at Seth and he was staring back at me, a soft expression on his shadowed face. I got lost for a minute, just staring into those blue eyes. He had a scar above his eyebrow, how could I have never noticed this before? It was a small crescent moon. I itched to touch it. His hands rubbed soothingly against my sides, trying to wash away my guilt? I don't know if it helped, but it sure did distract me.

Until she opened the door.

"Who the fuck done this?!" She was yelling, even with all the music we could hear her under the bed.

Laughter and shouting followed.

"Should we leave?" I whispered to Seth uncertainly.

He pursed his lips and looked behind me to the door, there was no one there, but someone might see us leave. And that would mean its then end of the game.

"How drunk are you?" He whispered looking over me quickly.

I frowned at the random question but answered anyway.

"I'm almost sober now. That freaked the alcohol out of me."

He grinned and slipped his hand into mine, pulling me out of the bed.

"Damn, if you were drunk this would be less of a pain."

Now I was worried.

He got everyone out of the wardrobe and before I knew it we were climbing out of the window.


"I would just like to point out how insane I think this is." I repeated for the tenth time as we climbed onto the porch roof.

Now let me explain something. We were on the second floor. To get to the porch roof we had to allow ourselves to drop a considerable amount first.

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