Chapter 17: "I was so close to calling rape."

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They managed to convince me to go back to Amy's to talk about the party. Well, they didn't really need to convince me I suppose. I was glad to be spending some more time out of my house.

"Food!" Jeremy yelled the moment we entered the house, and took off for the kitchen, Seth and Chris close behind him.

"Idiots." Kate muttered shaking her head slightly.

"Fatty's." Amy agreed.

"Boys." I summarised, earning a laugh from the two of them. We followed them to the kitchen, and sighed at the sight.

Jeremy was raiding the fridge, muttering to himself, and the other two were arguing over that last of the cookies.

"Did you idiots forget why we came here?" Amy asked pulling out one of the chairs at the table and sitting down.

"We're hungry." Chris muttered giving up the fight of the cookies. Seth grinned triumphantly.

I leaned against the counter and rolled my eyes at him.

"No. Greedy. There is a difference." Kate said sitting beside Amy.

Chris scowled at them but didn't try to defend himself again, he knew it would be pointless.

Seth slid in beside me and offered me the last of the cookies. I looked up at him and quirked an eyebrow.

He ignored me and continued to chew his cookie. Didn't he just fight for these?


I took the cookie and bit into it.

I saw him smile in the corner of my eye, this time I ignored him.

When Jeremy finally emerged from the fridge he began making a sandwich, or ten by the looks of it, and we finally got down to business.

"So, how are we shaving this fucker?" Amy eloquently put it.

I groaned and rubbed my neck nervously.

"Amy..." I began, trying to find how to tell her this was all just a bad idea.

"No. We are doing this Melody. She needs a taste of her own medicine."

"Then, how are we doing this then?" Jeremy asks buttering some bread. They all look at me expectantly, waiting.

I thought for a minute and took another bite from my cookie.

"Easy. We go to the party. Make sure she gets nice and drunk. Shave her head."

Yeah. Even I could see the problems in that.

"How do we make sure she gets drunk?" Kate asked, the first problem.

"I don't know." I mumbled through the last bite of cookie.

"We need someone on the inside." Amy said frowning.

"Who?" Chris asked frowning.

Amy grins and I feel a shiver run down my spine. This smells like trouble.

"Seth." She says simply.

I turn to look at Seth and laugh at his horrified expression.

"No way. No fucking way." He rambles loudly and I laugh some more.

"It's perfect! She likes you, you get her drunk and then when she passes out you can come and find us." Amy rushes, explaining her idea.

It was a pretty good idea...

I look at Seth again and reel in my laughter.

"It won't be that bad Seth." I tried, realising that this really was the only way to do things.

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