Chapter Seventeen: The Principal's Son

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Chapter Seventeen: The Principal's Son


It was now the first period of school, and Kori sat between Karen and Dick.

"I never thought that I would say it," Kori said as she paused with a sigh, "but I actually hate someone."

"It's Xavier the bully isn't it?" Dick asked with a smirk. Kori only nodded.

Karen let out a small chuckle as she patted Kori on the back. "I will definitely cheer you on for that one!" Karen commented.

"I also hate my sister.." Kori mumbled to herself.

"What was that?" Karen asked.

"Nothing," Kori replied as she displayed a believable fake smile, "I said nothing."

Karen nodded, but that nothing was definitely something. Yesterday night, Kori finally accepted the fact that she hated her sister. For crying out loud, she was making out with Kori's Principal!!!! How else could her sister possibly embarrass her more?

Time and time before, Kori had felt that her sister was a horrible person, but never had she ever felt hate towards her. Kissing Kori's principal was the cherry on top which destroyed the ice cream, it was the final straw!

"Kori, come on," Komi pleaded as she darted after Kori who was on her way to her room, "I said I was sorry!!"

Kori completely ignored her sister as she placed her hand on her doorknob. Before she could open it, Komi stopped her by pulling her from the door.

"You're Kori, for crying out loud!!" She whined, "You never hold a grudge!"

Kori could barely make it out to make eye contact with her sister, but she did.

Kori slowly rose her head to eye level with Komi. She starred her in the eyes, her gaze cold and full of contempt. Komi was actually sorry, and felt terrible, but Kori didn't know that. Kori just thought that her sister was saying sorry, and that she didn't mean it.

"I can hold a grudge if I feel it's necessary." Kori responded firmly as she tightened her eyes into a mean glean glare.

"You're acting like a totally new person," Komi said with a frown, "I don't like it."

"Well, I don't like you either," Kori replied indifferently, "In fact, I hate you."

Kori then opened her door and shoved herself in as she slammed it right in Komi's face.

"I wonder when Gar will be back.." Dick said with a frown.

"It better be soon, cause I wanna see my burly man right now!" Karen replied with a groan as she slammed her fists down on her desk. Karen put her diabolical mind aside as she glanced over to Kori, who right now, didn't look so good. "You okay girl?"

Kori let out a low sigh. "Yeah.."

"No offense, but you look like crap." Karen stated with concern all over her face.

"She does not look like cra-" Dick said, defending Kori but was interrupted.

"-No, Karen's right. I probably do look like crap right now.." She said with another depressing sigh. "I barely slept last night, so I must have bags under my eyes, and I didn't brush my hair this morning, and I didn't apply ANY makeup, so that must be a horrible sight to see, and I-"

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