Chapter Seven: Midnight Madness Part 2

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I hope you enjoy part 2!😉

(Evening, 7:00 p.m🌅🌆)-
I kept running until I found the car in the parking lot. I wanted to leave more than anything, but we came here in Richard's car and I really didn't have the energy to run all the way back home..

I then remembered something! I left my purse on the ground where we were standing!! Ugh!!!

I was going to be forced to go back to Richard and Rachel, the two last people that I wanted to be seeing.
When I see them, and they ask me why I came back, I will just say that I left my purse there and I came back ONLY to retrieve it.

    I rushed back to the crowd and spotted Rachel. I walked over to her and she raised her eyebrow in confusion to why I was back.

   "I didn't think that I'd see you again." She said while facing in my direction.
"I'm only here to get my purse, then I am going to leave. After that, fortunately for you, you will never have to see me again." I said while searching for my purse.

I finally found it and picked it up. I was then about to leave.

"Listen, Kori.. I feel really bad about what I said before. I was just under a lot of pressure, because of that phone call I got. It was wrong of me to take out all of my bitterness on you, because I know that you were only trying to help." She said trying to apologize. You could tell that she was being sincere because of the regretful look in her eyes.

I stared at her for a second, and then a smile appeared on my face.
"Thank you for apologizing, Rachel." I answered forgivingly.

"Does this mean that you'll watch the concert now?" She asked politely.
"Yes, but where is Richard?" I asked while trying to spot him in the crowd.

   "I think he went searching for you." She explained.
"Oh." I answered feeling a little guilty.

   "He really actually went to go find me?" I asked while secretly feeling happy inside.
Rachel nodded slowly.

"I really think that you two would be cute together." She mentioned as she showed a small smile.
My eyes widened in embarrassment.

"Richard and I just met each other! We both don't like each other like that!!" I explained quickly and nervously.

"Yeah right" I heard Rachel mumble to herself.

"Stop it!" I said feeling a little annoyed.

"Fine." She replied finally shutting up about the topic.

"What about you and Gar?" I asked as a mischievous smile planted on my face.
"Never speak of it!" She demanded as she stopped on my foot. I quickly shut up about that topic.

"What was the phone call?" I asked curiously. Her face suddenly blanked.
"No, it was nothing." She quickly answered. "Okay.." I replied. It wouldn't be right for me to aske her about it again, because she obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

"Rachel! And Kori?!" Richard said with a shocked expression on his face. He had a girl standing next to him, and she was wrapped in his arm.

"Yes. We apologized, and now everything is good." I said happily. Then I glanced over to the girl standing next to him. 'Who was she?!'

"Um..Dick?" Rachel asked confused while looking at the girl standing beside him.
"What?" He asked while lifting an eyebrow.
"Who's she?" Rachel asked while pointing to the girl he was holding.

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