Chapter Five: A Step Up

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^^House of the Rising Sun by Animals (Cover by Ashley Johnson-voice of Terra)^^
Please enjoy this chapter!
(Afternoon, 5:30 p.m ☀️)-

     As the doorbell rang, many thoughts went through my head. Thoughts like,
Who could it be??
Was it Kitten?!
And, most importantly, WHERE'S RYAN?!

     Ryan was sitting right next to me on the sofa just a few seconds ago! I glanced behind the couch and saw Ryan going to his room! Nooo!!

"Why is the room locked?" Ryan asked while trying to open the door.
"Oh, Thank goodness!!" I answered as I wiped the back of my hand across my forehead in relief.

      Just then, the doorbell rang again. Oops!! I forgot about that, since I was focusing on saving my brother from....that incident.

  I got up from the couch and began to stretch for a moment. I then walked to the front door of the apartment and I peeked through the peephole, only to find none other than the doorman.

My eyes widened in shock, and I began to shiver in disgust. I opened the door even though I knew I was going to regret it. He greeted me with a wink.

"Why are you here?!" I asked annoyed and confusedly.
"Are you a banana?" He asked flirtatiously.
"No." I answered quickly while squinting my eyes. He ignored my answer and continued.
"Because I find you a-peeling!"
I rolled my eyes.

  "Again, Why are you here??" I asked annoyed while crossing my arms.
"Because honey, you've got mail!" He answered flirtatiously.
I gave the doorman a glare, but I still went to go get the mail.

   He followed me and began to poke me repetitively in the elevator.
"Are you an Interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful." He said while poking me.

"It's not a room, it's an elevator, and please stop.." I said feeling very uncomfortable.

I finally made it down to the lobby, and the doorman was STILL following me. Richard was standing in the lobby, waving to me with a smile as the doorman was still following me.

         "Richard!!" I said happily as I rushed up to him. I was about to hug him, but since I had JUST met him recently, I decided to go on the safer route and shake hands instead.

   "Kori! It's fine! We're friends, and we can hug." He said playfully as he refused the handshake and hugged me instead. A huge smile and blush instantly appeared on my face as I hugged him back.

   Weirdly enough, the doorman joined the hug as well..

  Because the doorman joined the hug, we both let go feeling really embarrassed.
"Hey!! I thought we were in the middle of somethin' there!" The doorman responded in an angry tone. He then walked to behind his desk, where he belongs.

Richard an I turned to each other and laughed. 'Why is Richard always wearing those sunglasses. I almost desperately wanted to see his eyes.' That's how you can tell how a person is actually feeling, by looking into their eyes. But, As much as I wanted to see his eyes, I couldn't, because I don't think that he's going to take his sunglasses off anytime soon..It's almost as if, he's hiding something..

"Not to be rude or anything, but why did you come here?" I asked curiously.
"I came here to take you out to the 'Dawn X' concert!" He answered smiling while pulling out tickets from the left pocket of his leather jacket.

"Is this a date?" I asked in a happy tone while blushing a little.
"No. 'Dawn X' is Rachel's favorite band. It's a heavy metal concert, and she had two extra tickets. She's waiting in the car right now! Do you wanna come?" He asked.

I felt so foolish for asking if this was a date!
I thought about the offer. It would be the perfect opportunity to become closer friends with Richard and Rachel!

"Yes!" I answered happily, as I smiled. He smiled back. His smile was perfect, and it made my smile grow even more.

We both then walked out of the apartment complex together, and towards the car!
I couldn't wait to see the concert!!


Hello Everyone!!♥️🔆♥️
I really hope that you enjoyed this part even though it was short!
The Next part will be longer!
Please comment and vote!👈
I love you all!!♥️😊
~Ashley C.

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