Chapter Three: High School Begins Part 1

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Hope you guys like this next chapter!! Promised it would be extra long!
^^ The Perfect song was inserted above ^^ - A Sky Full Of Stars by Coldplay
I love you all!!♥️🎀♥️
~Ashley C.
(6:30 a.m)-
I woke up to the sound of repetitive howling coming from inside the room. I tired to sleep it off, but It just wouldn't stop!!

I sat up in my bed, and I realized that that annoying howling noise was coming from my sleeping brother.
He howls in his sleep?! Since when?? I just wanted to go up to him, and punch in the stomach, but that wasn't going to help me fall back asleep.

   I decided that since, I was already awake, and couldn't go back to sleep, that I would start to get ready for school. I threw off my covers, got out of my bed, and walked up to my brother and softly whispered, "Thanks for being my annoying little alarm clock, Ryan." Into his ear, sarcastically.

     I went to go take a quick shower, and then I headed back into my room, to my closet. Time to pick out some clothes! I pulled out a pink and red, short sleeve, button up, Flannel shirt, and some blue jeans to go with that. My feet gently settled into purple flats, that had a soft and cushiony insole-(the cushion inside the the shoe).

    When I was all dressed, I grabbed my purple brush and began to stroke my long and wavy red hair until my hair was pretty, shiny, bouncy, and without knots.

    I was now ready to leave, but before I did, I grabbed a breakfast bar from the fridge. It gave me more energy than I already had!!

Alright, Now I was ready to leave, but I felt like I was forgetting something. Oh yeah! I forgot to wake Ryan up!

   Once Ryan was woken up, and ready, I drove him to school. I was a little shaky on the steering wheel, because I began to think about the accident, but I calmed myself down by thinking about Richard. It helped a lot, now that I had my mind off the past.

Once I dropped Ryan off at his Elementary school, I drove myself to school. I stopped my car in the parking lot and began to walk towards the school.


      My nerves started to act up a little bit, as I got closer to the school doors. I had to keep telling myself to calm down, and that everything would be alright.

    I entered the high school, and saw thousands of people crowded in one room. "Woah!" I mumbled shocked to myself. In the crowd, I saw Kitten! Oh no!! She can't see me! I have to find Richard, before she finds me!!

I struggled, but I was about to make it out of the crowd without Kitten seeing me!! I felt so relieved! Just then, I tripped on someone's foot. Luckily, the person caught me before I fell on my face. I looked up and it was a redheaded guy with freckles and green eyes. He was wearing a nerdy 'Doctor Who' shirt, and green gym shorts. I smiled slightly as the boy set me back up on my feet.

"Woah there lady! I've got ya!" He said playfully.
"Thank you." I responded thankfully.
"I'm Wally West! And you are?" He asked as he held me close to him.
He was a little full of himself.
"I'm Kori." I answered politely.
"Kori, What a beautiful name!" Said Wally as he kissed my hand.

I saw some girl behind him with an unhappy look on her face.
I pointed to the girl behind him, and he turned around.
"Woah!! Jenna you scared me!" He said shocked. Jenna crossed her arms and let out a 'humph'.

"Stop flirting with random girls if you want to be with me SO badly, like you say you do!" Replied Jenna angrily.

"I really DO want to be with you, very much! But I could never change my gentleman like ways!" He said nervously while chuckling. Jenna stomped off in rage.

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