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Severide's POV

"Well that was an unexpected surprise." I laughed and turned on my side to look at Lacey. "What made you decide to forgive me?"

She looked back at me. She looked so innocent. Her eyes were wide, just looking up at me. "I guess I wanted to let you know that I'm not angry anymore. I'm so sorry I hid out at Gabby and Matt's. I shouldn't have stayed away for as long as I did."

"Lacey. It's okay." I needed to cut her off. "I'm not completely innocent in this ordeal either." I chuckled. "I'm sorry that I didn't come get you, and I'm sorry that I get so upset when you try to talk to me about what happened. I just want you to forget. I guess I want to too." I trailed off, looking deep into her big brown eyes.

She sat up on her arm too. "I don't want to talk about what happened anymore." She whispered. "I just want to focus on us from now on." She smiled at me then leaned in and kissed my lips. Her lips tasted like honey. They were soft and tender from kissing them so much, but I couldn't force myself to stop.

"I love you." I whispered as soon as our lips parted. "But I should probably get back to work." I told her sadly. I was honestly surprised that we hadn't had any calls yet.

She giggled. "I love you too, Kelly." She gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I wish you didn't have to get back to work."

"Well, let's at least get some clothes on first. Maybe get a cup of coffee or something?" I suggested. Honestly, I would love to lay around all day with her, but that wasn't the case. If I got caught with my pants around my ankles, literally. It would not be a good thing, at all.

"Okay." She laughed then stood up, butt naked, and started to pull her clothes on.

I did the same.


I jumped at the knocking on the door. So did Lacey. I hopped up and down, trying to get my pants on. Lacey was only in her yoga pants and a sports bra.

"Liutenant!" The pounding got faster and I realized the voice was Cruz.

I walked to the door and pulled it open quickly. "What?" I shouted.

Cruz's eyes widened when he saw that I was only in my pants and Lacey was in her yoga pants and sports bra.

"What?" I asked again. My tone showed that I was extremely annoyed.

"Uh." He gawked at Lacey's body.

"Yo. Cruz." I snapped my fingers in his face. "That's my girl. Stop gawking and tell me what you want."

"Chief's looking for you." He finally spat out.

"Thank." I nodded at him the slammed the door in his face.

I turned around to find that Lacey was completely dressed now. Her hair was now up in a pony tail.

"You should probably go see Boden." She said to me with a wicked grin. "That is when you put a shirt on."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah. Good idea. Thanks."

"I'm gonna go get that coffee." Lacey told me then walked past me, moving her hips so her ass swayed.

I grinned devilishly and smacked her ass as she passed me.

She jumped about a foot in the air then giggled.

"Damn, Kelly." She said, her voice full of desire.

"Sorry." I grinned.

She shook her head jokingly then stepped out of my office to go get that coffee.

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