I'm Kelly Severide

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Severide's POV

"Severide!" Matt yelled into my room. "You need get your ass out of bed. It's time to go!"

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I really didn't want to go to work because going to work meant having to see Lacey. After my jealous, rageful kiss, I didn't know what she was going to say to me.

"I'm not going to be late to work, so have fun!" Matt called then I heard the door shut.

I threw on some clothes and left. I wouldn't let my fear of confronting Lacey get to my head.


I arrived at the firehouse five minutes late.

"About time you showed up, Liutenant." Herrmann said as soon as I walked in and slapped me on the back.

"Haha." I laughed fakely and walked past him into the locker room.

I walked in to see Lacey changing. She was only in her bra and underwear.

Damn. She looked amazing.

"Hey, girl." I said in a fake, cheerful tone and walked past her to my locker.

"Jesus!" She cried out surprised. "You scared me." She told me then put her shirt on.

"Awe, putting your clothes on already?" I teased as I sat down on the locker room bench.

"Shut up, Kelly." She sighed as she pulled her pants on. "Don't think I forgot about what you did at Molly's."

I looked away from her. "I told you what I feel. I don't regret it."

"I know you don't." She walked over and knelt down in front of me. "But don't you ever kiss me while I'm dating someone else. I am not yours, Kelly Severide, get that through your head." She spat then walked out of the locker room.

I just sat there for a couple of seconds, taking in what she said. She's not mine. That was definitely true.

"Hey, are you just going to sit in here all day or what?" Mills's voice now filled the air. I must've sat there moping for awhile.

I groaned. "I'm just thinking, Mills." I pulled my clothes out of my locker then started to get changed.

"Okay, Lieutenant." Mills laughed then jogged out.

I got dressed quickly before anyone else could come in and comment on my tardiness.

As I walked out, I heard the alarm go off and the dispatcher say, "Ambulance 61. Person in distress. 3237 N Plainfield Ave."

I got out to the common area in time to see Lacey and Brett run out the door.

"Hey,  Liutenant." Herrmann called.

"Yeah?" I asked as I got myself a cup of coffee.

"Someone's outside looking for you." He winked then walked and sat down at a table.

"Okay?" I said with a uncertain tone. Who would be looking for me at 8:30 in the morning on a Thursday?

I made my way out and smiled at who was waiting for me.

"Hey, stranger." I said warmly at the famillar face. "How's your old man doing?"

She smiled back at me. "He's doing great. You saved his life."

"So what are you doing here, Walmart girl? How'd you find me?"

She blushed. "You told me your name was Kelly and you were a fireman. I did some research. Good thing you have a very memorable face, Kelly Severide."

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