He's Gone

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Severide's POV

"Sir," the nurse snapped at me as she followed me out of Lacey's room. "You can't just sneak into a patient's room after hours!"

I rolled my eyes at her and kept wheeling myself toward the elevator.

"Sir!" She yelled at me. "Do I make myself clear?"

"What if you had just saved her life?" I spat back at her as I turned around and faced her. "For two days, that girl in there was missing and I had no clue where she was!" I roared as built up anger poured out of me and onto the nurse. "She had been kidnapped and every eight hours I had to watch a video of her being tortured that was sent into us by her kidnapper! I pulled her out of a burning warehouse, burning myself in the process! So, no, I'm not going to stay away from her. I love that girl in there, and I would go to the ends of the earth to make her happy and save her!" I exploded then turned away, leaving that bitch nurse speechless.

I wheeled myself back to my room, furious. That nurse didn't have to come in and yell like that. She should've just asked what was going on or at least asked me to leave nicely. God, it's not that hard to not be a bitch.

But I kept going, not turning back. The urge to turn back and ream her out for it.

I thought about what I would say to Lacey as soon as she woke up. I'd tell her that I loved her. I'd promise her that I would stay with her.

I wanted to stay with her forever.

I finally found my way back to my room. I needed to get some rest. My body ached from the burns, my heart ached for Lacey. I couldn't win. I needed to sleep and recover some. If I could.

"Do you have any idea how long he'll be off the job?" I heard Matt's voice. It seemed distant.

"I would say about 4 months." A deeper voice responded. Now more audible than Matt's voice. "He burned up his arms pretty badly. He has 2nd degree burns on his arms and face. They'll heal fine, but they'll hurt like hell for awhile. But he has a 3rd degree burn on the back of his neck. Something must've fallen and burned him while he was carrying that girl out."

"How about smoke inhalation?" Gabby's voice chimed in.

"He took in quiet a bit. We'll keep him on oxygen for a couple of days till his O2 stats are normal without it."

I peeled my eyes open at that. "So how long am I going to be in this place?" I moaned.

"Nice to see you're awake, Mr. Severide." The doctor said to me. He looked younger than me but he was taller than me. And with dark, gelled hair and bright green eyes, I knew he was single and laying all the nurses here. "You'll be here for about a month until we get those burns healed up nicely."

"A month?" I almost yelled.

"Kelly." Gabby hushed me. "You'll be fine for a month. Lacey is going to be here for at least 3 months. The burns she got just are the icing on the cake for her, on top of all the injuries from Ferlon."

"How bad is she?" I asked quickly. "I saw her last night, but I couldn't really see anything wrong with her other than the cut on her face and how bruised up it was. I got kicked out by a nurse before I could ask her anything."

"I'll let you guys catch up." The doctor butted in. "I'll be back around to check on you, Mr. Severide."

"Thanks." I muttered then turned all of my attention towards Gabby.

I noticed that her and Matt were sitting side by side. He had one arm around her chair. This made me want to smile. Maybe they were trying again.

"She has a fractured tibia that the doctors had to fix during surgery. She has three screws there. There's also lacerations to her face, chest, inner thighs and.." She drifted off quietly, tearing her eyes from mine.

"And where?" I asked, worried. "Don't say what I think you're going to say."

"I'm sorry." Gabby whispered. "But she has lacerations to her vagina and anus."

I wanted to throw up.

"She's also missing her finger nails on her right hand, and her first molars and lateral incisors."

"Is that everything?" I asked quietly, hoping that she would say yes.

She nodded very quickly.

At that moment, I felt as if my stomach dropped into my pelvis and someone had torn my heart from my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes. Lacey had been hurt so badly, and there was nothing I did to stop it.

"It's not your fault." Matt told me quickly. "You didn't know that this was going to happen. You saved her life."

"I should've found her sooner." I cried as tears fell over my eyelids. "Have you guys seen her yet today?" I then glanced at the clock. It was 11am.

They both nodded.

"Well, how is she?" I rushed my sentence.

"She's doing pretty well for everything she's been though." Matt sighed. "But she's pretty banged up and emotionally scared from everything. She's mainly afraid that Ferlon is going to come back to get her since she didn't die in the fire."

My fists clenched at the mention of Ferlon.

"She asked about you, more than once. Even when Antonio was in the room." Gabby replied.

I exhaled the breath I didn't even realize that I had been holding. "I'm going to go see her."

They both nodded and I climbed out of bed. Matt got my wheel chair. I climbed in it, tucking my open backed hospital gown underneath me.

"All I can do now is stay by her side." I muttered to them quietly, sadly, but confidently.

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