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Lacey's POV

The lights. That's the worst part. It seems like the lights never dim here.

I haven't opened my eyes yet, but it's always bright behind my eyelids. I swear.

The last thing I remembered was looking at Kelly, telling him thank you, and him telling me that he would always find me.

I don't know if that was a dream or not. I didn't even know if I was alive still.

After the men who took me found out that Kelly and Antonio were on their way to get me, they torched the warehouse, and left me in it.

So maybe I really am dead.

But I hoped that this isn't what death really was like.

My body ached everywhere. And the damn brightness. I couldn't get over it. It was just too much for me.

I tried to dream. I really did, but I couldn't.

I did think a lot though. Like I was doing right now.

I thought mainly about Kelly. Thinking about his eyes, his touch, his warmth made me feel a pleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach that replaced the pain.

She's asleep right now. A distant voice said. But surgery went well. We got the 3rd degree burns that were on her back cleaned out very well. There's only a single 3 inch diameter burn on her right shoulder blade that's a 3rd degree burn. The rest of them are 2nd degree burns that will heal in a week or so. It's only on 20% on her body so we are feeling pretty confident that she will be fine. Considering she only got burned on her back. She was very lucky.

Yeah. She was,  but is she in pain? Another voice asked. It was so soft and distant that I could barely hear it, but it sounded a lot like Peter.

Yes. The first voice confirmed. We're trying to manage the pain. We won't be able to do that very well until she wakes up. Why don't you go home son? Visiting hours are almost up and she won't be waking up any time soon.

The other guy, who I believed was Peter, sighed. You're right, doc. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a great night.

You as well, son. The doctor replied then everything went silent.

I tried so hard to open my eyes. I really did, but I couldn't and I don't know how much time went by before I heard someone come in.

"Lacey." Kelly's voice rang in my ears, causing my heart to automatically skip a beat. "I don't know when you're going to wake up, but I'm so happy you're going to be alright." I felt his hand grab mine. "I know you can't hear me right now." He sighed.

That's not true! I wanted to scream so he knew that I was listening, but my body wouldn't cooperate.

"But I want you to know that I love you too."

My heart rate increased at his words.

"Antonio told me." He chuckled. "And your heart rate went up a couple of beats per minute. So I hope that means you're going to wake up soon. But it's two in the morning right now. I snuck out of my room to come see you." He filled me in, not knowing he was actually filling me in. "I got admitted. I inhaled a lot of smoke and have 3rd degree burns on my upper arms. They'll scar, but it was worth it. I'd die to save you, Lace. I'm just hoping that when this is all done and over with, you and I will have another go at it. Maybe this time we'll make it work. I don't know what you want to do with Antonio, but I'm hoping you realize that I'm the guy you need. I don't know why I'm telling you this." He snorted embarrassed. "I know you can't hear me, but it's nice to get it all out there. Lacey, when you told me that we couldn't see each other anymore, something inside me broke and I've slowly mended it back together. If you break it again," he inhaled. "I don't think I'll be able to fix it again."

"You won't have to." I croaked with a grin. "I love you too, Kelly." I opened my eyes to see him wearing an oxygen tube that went into his nostrils and that he was looking down at me with disbelief.

"You heard that?" He almost yelled.

I laughed weakly. "I did."

"I'm so glad you're okay, Lacey!" He grinned down at me then leaned his head down.

I fought to keep my eyes open. "I'll never break you again." I promised right before he kissed my lips very gently.

"That's a promise I'm keeping you to." He grinned.

His beautiful face filled my vision now. He was so close and was all that I could see. I absolutely loved it.

"Sir. You need to get out of this room now!" A nurse yelled at him and rushed in the door.

Kelly didn't take his eyes off of me. "I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early."

"Okay." I grinned and winced when he kissed my forehead lightly.

He then sat up straight and wheeled himself out of my room.

I panicked at the sight of him in a wheel chair, but then I remembered that he was probably having trouble breathing with too much exercise right now due to the smoke inhalation.

I relaxed and closed my eyes.

That night, everything came flooding back. Everything I had done so well with supressing.

My sleep was invaded by all the horrible things that Ferlon and his men did to  me.

How long would it take for them to leave my mind?

Too long probably.

A/N: Hey guys, I know this is a short chapter but it'll get better. Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and voting on this story. You guys rock!

-Xoxo Shaylinkay

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