Where you lost a friend

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Severide's POV

I didn't know how much longer it would take, but I couldn't do it anymore. It had been 16 hours since we got the video. One more had been sent to us.

Lacey had been beaten to unconsciousness and had her nails ripped out on her right hand in the video. It was only a matter of time before we got another.

I was sitting in Antonio's chair, my mind racing. Everyone was trying to formulate some idea to find her.

They had already tracked her cell phone. It was found in a dumpster across town. There were no eye witnesses who saw her get taken.

"We got another tape." Voit announced dreadfully.

This time we all watched. All the cops in Intelligence and me.

But this time, we didn't see Lacey.

"Hello, Intelligence." The same man with the altered voice addressed us like he knew all of the unit would watch it. "And to you as well, Kelly." He greeted me like the sick bastard he was. "I decided to give your girl a little break. She'll die from shock if we do anything else right now. I'd rather keep her alive to insure I get protection. But I will only leave you with one message. Come to the place where you've lost your closest friend. That's where Lacey is." He laughed then the screen went dark.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked Antonio.

He shrugged sadly. "He loves to play games with us." He said quietly.

"Everyone here has lost a friend. And we know she's not in a cemetery." I huffed angrily.

Antonio scratched his head. "My old partner, Sean, committed suicide in his house. Maybe they have her in the basement?"

"That's a better idea than sitting here with our thumbs up our asses." Voit agreed. "Let's go to Sean's old place."

We all ran out to the cars. Antonio and I rode together while Voit, Lindsey and Jay rode in another car.

"You know what she told me the day she went missing?" Antonio told me quietly. Almost like he was in thought.

"All you mentioned was that you two broke up." I said to him with a shrug. I had no clue what she would've said to him.

Antonio sighed deeply. His eyes were red again. He was taking her disappearance personally.

"She told me that she still loves you." He bit his lip and looked at me from the corner of his eye.

I inhaled with surprise. Lacey loved me still?

"She said we were just fooling ourselves. I still love Laura and she still loves you. She said we were doomed from the start." Antonio finished the story.

"I'm sorry, man." I said apologetically. Still wondering in my mind why Lacey still loved me.

I mean, I obviously still loved her, but she wanted nothing to do with me.

Antonio looked out his window. "She was right." He said thoughfully. "I was just too stupid to realize it."

"Yeah. She's definetly right most of the time." I half smiled.

The car slowed. "We're here." Antonio announced. "Stay here." He ordered me.

"Bullshit." I spat at him. "I'm coming in with you."

"No. Seriously. Stay in the car, Severide." He barked.

I shook my head at him. "Fuck no, Dawson. I'll go in behind you guys. He said you would need me when we find her."

"Fine." Antonio sighed and unbuckled. "Just stay behind me." He ordered again and got out of the car.

I got out too and we moved to the house. It was a two story, red brick house with white windows.

"Do people still live here?" I asked quietly as we approached it.

Antonio nodded. "Yeah, but if they don't go in the basement they might not know anyone is there. Sean sound proofed the entire basement.

"Shit." I muttered.

We were now in front of the door.

"Chicago Police Department!" Voit screamed through the door. "Open up!"

The door unlocked and everyone raised their guns.

"Woah!" A college aged kid said in surprise. "What's going on officers?"

"We need to search your basement." Voit clarified.

"Do you have a warant?" The kid asked. He must've thought he was so intelligent. Thinking that not having a warrant would stop Voit.

I stepped closer to the door and immediently smelled Marijuana.


A couple of college pot head kids don't want us to find their weed in their place.

"Listen, kid!" I shouted from behind Antonio and stepped around him so that I was now face to face with him. "There is a girl who's missing. She could be down in your basement!" I begged. "We need to get down there to make sure. We don't give two fucks about the weed in your place. That's not what we're here for, but if you want to help save my friend's life, let us in." I calmed my voice. "Please. I'm begging you." I pleaded and stared into the college guys eyes.

He looked back at me. His stone faced expression quivered. "Fine." He nodded at me then stepped away from the door.

We all rushed in and made our way to the basement door.

Antonio opened the door and quickly descended down the staircase.

"Fuck!" He yelled.

I came down the stairs last to see the basement was empty. Just storage boxes. No Lacey.

Where was she?

"What the hell?" I yelled and threw my hands over my head in distress.

"Kelly." Detective Lindsey said as she walked to me. "We're going to find her." She patted my back.

"Like the way you found Katie, right Erin?" I hissed at her through my teeth. "Or am I going to have to take this into my own hands again?"

"If you have a better idea as to where she is, by all means, tell us!" Antonio spat viciously at me.

Then it clicked.

"Yeah. Actually, I do."

So hey guys! I just wanted to thank everyone who has been reading this! You guys rock! I'll try to update again soon. I promise!! :)

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