Chapter 30: Nothing Really Sexual About It

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Nothing Really Sexual About It

Warning: strong language.

"This entire day has gone way too fast," Percy threw the door shut behind him and collapsed on the floor.

Jason stepped over the boy and hung both their coats up in the closet with a smile. "But you did really good, or so I heard from the director."

The shorter boy groaned. "Don't even talk to me, you fucking loser."

The blond laughed and leaned down beside Percy to rub his back. "You have to admit you enjoyed it. You came out with the biggest smile on your face." A smile that disappeared upon having Thalia leap into your stomach, but eh. "And you exchanged numbers with other auditionees, too - that means they thought you were worthy competition."

Percy turned his head to look at him. "...really?"

"Yup. It's a fact in the stage acting world." The shorter boy turned his face back into the carpet, muffling whatever he was saying. Jason lay himself down beside the shorter boy and leaned right into his ear. "Percy?"


"Will you go out with me?"

He turned his head so fast his hair whipped Jason's nose. "What?"

"Will you go-"

"I heard what you said, Jason, but. What?"

"I don't understand what you don't understand," The taller boy almost pouted.

"I mean to say that this. Is kind of late. And unexpected."

"I didn't know another time to ask than right now." He took a deep breath. "And I don't mean like just going out on dates and stuff. I've got, like, a plan for how I'm going to do things. And every time you back out I will work my absolute hardest to drag you back in."

"That doesn't sound too appealing."

"You know what I mean."

Percy sucked in his cheeks. "Tell me a couple of things about this 'plan' you've got."

"Well," Jason grasped Percy's hand with his own, "I am going to throw a freaking party when we kiss ten times."

"How many times have we kissed so far?"

"Nine times."

"You've been counting?"

Jason nodded shamelessly. "Although I just want to kiss you all the time-"

"Okay," Percy cut off with a laugh. "Save it for the bed, Jason." He paused. "Can you stay tonight?"

Jason felt his chest fill with something light. "Of course I can," He grinned, brushing his lips against Percy's wrist. He paused and looked down at the tattoo. "What's this?" He traced the edges of the intricate butterfly on the tanned skin.

Percy glanced down at it an gave a small smile, before watching the blond run a thumb over the marred skin. Somehow the artist had managed to make it look like nothing was beneath it, but. "It's the outline of cigarette butt," He explained.

Jason's breath caught in his throat. "Does it hurt?"

"It's five years old, Jason. It feels like normal skin to me." He sighed. "Alright, I think we'd better move this over to the bed, or I'm just going to fall asleep here." Jason hopped right to his feet, but Percy remained in the same position. "Help me up."

Obediently, the bigger of the two pulled the smaller one to his feet, then half carried him to the bedroom. Percy began stripping in the doorway, throwing off most of his clothes. Jason stared. "Are you changing into your pajamas?"

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