Chapter 14: Someone Knocking On Your Door at Three in the Morning? Super Sketch

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Someone Knocking On Your Door at Three in the Morning? Super Sketch.

Warning: strong language, mentions of suicide, mentions of depression.

"He's alright, he's just passed out," the blonde pulled the boy's head into her lap to check his pulse. "His heart isn't racing, his breathing's regular - everything is fine, Piper."

"But," She looked back from the passenger seat of the taxi, "He was. He-" She hiccupped and Annabeth made a motion for her to breathe. They couldn't have her passing out, too. "Look at his face. He was crying,"

Annabeth mentally cursed. She thought she'd wiped her face before Piper could see, but. Apparently not. "It happens during attacks. He was probably frustrated that he was causing trouble, or making a fuss."

"He couldn't breathe!"

"Here you are," The taxi driver pulled up in front of a two story building, scratching the back of his head. They paid him and got out of the car, and he quickly sped away, eager to distance himself from the drama of his passengers.

"Thank gods I'm on the first floor," Annabeth muttered to herself as they moved the life size rag doll to the door. She fumbled with the keys and then they were inside, and could drop Percy's full weight onto the couch closest to the door.

Piper's ringtone rang suddenly, startling them while they turned Percy onto his back. "Jason?" She sat on the ground opposite Percy. "Yeah, we got him to Annabeth's apartment. He's..."

Annabeth took the phone. Jason had other things to worry about right now, like his musical that was starting in three hours. "He's fine. Breathing normal. Yeah. He's sleeping right now. He's fine. Yes, Jason. Alright. I'll tell him. Okay. Good luck." She turned off the phone and set it on her coffee table.

Piper had moved so that she could sit in front of Percy and was leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," Annabeth made out.

"You didn't know." She sat beside the brunette, running a hand through the braided brown hair. "It was an accident. Can you tell me exactly what you said?"

"Don't leave me behind again to think the worst," She didn't raise her head. "Like when they were accusing you of murder."

Annabeth's hand spazzed in Piper's hair but she quickly moved it away, hoping the brunette didn't notice. I guess we know what the trigger was. Her own phone started ringing in her pocket and she went into the next room to go fill Thalia in.

Piper closed her eyes and wished she hadn't been so emotional.


He woke to the sound of someone apologizing over and over and over again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

He'd learned by the third or fourth time that the first sense to return after a panic attack was sound. Smell and taste, he wasn't sure - but then it was touch, and sight came last. So he heard the sorry's, felt the warmth on his shoulder, but couldn't see anyone.

"He's waking up," someone said, and the warmth disappeared. He was tempted to call them back but he couldn't use his voice yet. His eyes opened.


"Yeah," He croaked. He sounded horrible. Black faded out into light, and then brown eyes were right in his face. "Pipes? Where-" He sat up too quickly and his head swam.

Thankfully, she understood what he was asking. "We're at Annabeth's apartment." Anticipating his next question, "You were out for about an hour and a half."

trigger warning (Percy Jackson au)Where stories live. Discover now