chapter 3: The Walking Social Disaster

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The Walking Social Disaster

Warning: strong language, mentions of suicide.

The screech from his kitchen was enough to shock Percy right off his bed, sending him forehead first into the wooden floor. He hopped to his feet, rubbing the bright redness, and shuffled in to the rest of his apartment.

“Oh my god, oh my god!”

“What, what, what?” He yelled through the haze of sleep covering his vision. His heart beat three times faster than normal as he struggled himself to control his breathing—

An arm looped itself around his shoulder, a split second of warning before he was faced with a fierce noogie. “Dude, what the hell are you doi—”

“I should’ve known!” Thalia sounded intensely proud as she shook Percy’s bare shoulders. All of his surprise and sleepiness had now been replaced with the purest form of irritation, and he glared at Thalia through his ungodly bed head. “I should have known!”

He sat himself down on a barstool while she pranced around his kitchen at what he thought to be way too early (but was, in actuality, only about noon). She laughed to herself a little longer before coming to a stop right in his face.

“You, Percy Jackson. I thought you were ditching group just to sulk but no. No, you were off, having a grand time, and—” She grabbed a white slip from the counter, “—picking up potential relationships! Percy, I had no idea you were so popular.” She paused, taking a look at his half naked self. “Though since you sleep shirtless, I can see where that is coming from.”

He frowned at the stained napkin she shoved under his nose before his vision focused on the black ink. A number he didn’t recognize was scrawled in fine print, but the name had been smudged out with vodka, or an equally foul smelling drink.

“Do you remember his name? I’m assuming it’s a guy cause this isn’t a chick’s handwriting.”

“You are talking too quickly and too loudly this early.” He groaned and put his head down, groaning even though he hadn’t had a drop of alcohol the night before. So of course, he remembered every single detail.

But she was too excited to let this go. “Percy, this is your chance to get back into the way life happens! And you kept his umber, didn’t you? So either he’s insanely hot, or you’re beginning to agree with me. Or maybe both.”

“Thalia, can we just. Just calm down.”

“I’ve already called Reyna.” Deep, deep groan. “She was actually really excited, too. She’s on her way.” Double groan. “I just gave her your number, by the way.” Meh, that fact wasn’t as groan-worthy as the rest. “What did you say his name was?”

“How did you get into my apartment?”

She rolled her eyes. “Percy, Percy. Have you seriously already forgotten the reason I’m stuck at the Lodge in the first place?”

He didn’t know she’d use her breaking and entering skills against him for such a stupid reason as to have a taste of his breakfast. “I’m guessing you came for pancakes, judging by the materials you got out but refused to touch.”

“Stop. Changing. The subject!” She emphasized each word with a slap on the counter. “This is amazing! We need to get you two together.”

“You don’t even know who it is.”

“But you do.” The door opened and shut, and then a third figure strolled into the room and seated herself beside the pajama clad boy. “Reyna! So glad you’re here.”

trigger warning (Percy Jackson au)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ