chapter 13: A Radioactive Element In Need Of Constant Caging and Supervision

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A Radioactive Element In Need Of Constant Caging and Supervision

Warning: strong language. Sequences of a panic attack. Mentions of suicide.

"You two are so cute together."

Percy dropped the dish into the sink mid scrub and thanked the gods that it didn't break. He glared over his shoulder at the girl who dared to wake up and make so much noise so early in the morning. "Let me wash my dishes in peace."

"Percy, Percy," The short girl was doing a horrible job of hiding her grin, "I do believe he's the best thing that's happened to you in a long, longtime."

"Go away."

"You didn't used to let me do this before," She put a soft hand on his forearm, calling his gaze. "And now you're giving me hugs and holding my hand for hours. I'm super excited and happy, and now I know the source." He looked back down at the sudsy sink. "He likes you a lot."

Percy paused at that, not looking at her but not looking at anything else, either. Then he exhaled and kept rinse rinse rinsing.

She moved onto girly-er details. "Did you kiss?" She didn't wait for a reply, not yet. "You know, I hate how you've turned me into some fourteen year old. Now I'm just waiting for my one true pairing to get together forever and ever, and not even to do the do. I'm just waiting for you to make lip contact, now."

He didn't say anything, only scrubbed his dishes.

She verbally tackled him from behind, almost making him drop the same plate again. "You did! When? Wait, it was when you went to get the pizza? Itotally knew it. Ahhhhhhh," She squealed, hopping around the kitchen because she needed to do something other than push Percy. "Are you seeing him today?"

He looked at her like she was out of her mind, which she was (temporarily. Out of happiness).

"Right, he's got the musical. How long's the show going for?"

"Two weeks."

"Ugh," Her mood crashed in an instant.

Percy set the now clean dish on the rack beside the sink and washed his hands. "Are the others awake?"

She shook her head. "Annabeth and Piper are still snoring away on your bed, and Reyna's got the couch. It's just you and me," She wiggled her eyebrows. And then she stopped. And then she made him look at her when she asked, "What was she - Piper - talking about when she said you 'got out'?"

Percy wiped his hands on a hand towel.

"And don't try to lie your way out of this one, because I haven't forced anything out of you since you showed up at the Lodge - not about your parents and family, your aquaphobia, or the anklet you always wear that I'm pretty sure is a tracker."

He glanced at the closed bedroom door and the couch's corner that he could see from the kitchen.

"They're all asleep, Percy."

He leaned back and crossed his arms. " already know I came from a. Detention facility." A jail. "And that's where I've been for the past two years, serving time. Piper was the last person I saw before going in, and that's why she was the only one who knew. I 'got out' of there and came here."

"What'd you do?"

And that's where he drew the line. "Help me clean up," He gestured to the mass of dirty dishes in the sink. With a sigh, she did.



"Is Percy here?" The breathless blond jumped at the first waiter he saw.

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