Chapter 26: Free

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Warning: mentions of abuse, mentions of depression.

Thalia knocked twice on the door before continuing to tap her foot impatiently.

It was one of the few occasions when she wouldn't just let herself into his apartment without his consent. She wasn't sure what mood he was in, because only an hour ago had Jason shown up at her door, looking two words away from bursting into tears. She wasn't able to comfort (or interrogate) him before he had to leave for a rehearsal, but the cause was most likely behind this door.

"Percy!" She called after making sure no one else was in the hallway. She didn't want to get kicked out during her act of heroism. Two more knocks, ten taps of the foot. Another knock, seven more taps. She was about to put her fist through the door when it opened, finally.

She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind and found him looking oddly upset. Not obviously so, but his cheeks were sucked in and his eyebrows were just barely scrunched together. "What?" He asked, not unkindly.

She stood there with mouth open for a long moment. "What happened to you? Two?" She added, so that he was completely aware that she knew everything had something to do with her blond baby brother.

"Nothing." He started to close the door.

She shoved the toe of her boot in the doorway, stopping him. "Don't be annoying, Percy."

"Then stop butting into everything, Thalia," He replied in the same irritated tone, pushing her boot out and shutting the door. She knew he was actually angry when he locked it and walked away, because in his senses Percy would have stayed in front of the door.

With a few calculated flicks of her bobby pin, Thalia had thrown off her shoes and was inside the apartment and standing above starfish Percy, who had covered his face with a pillow like a five year old. "Percy."

"Get out."

"Make me."

"You're so annoying."

"And you're so mature." He tried to ignore her, and she kicked the pillow off his face. His eyes were closed and his expression was neutral. "Jason came home and cried."

His eyes flew open and fixed on hers. Talking to the girl was so easy when she had the eyes of the boy. "He did?"

And then she felt a little bad for lying to him. "No, but he looked like he was about to."

He fixed her with a withering glare before shutting his eyes. "Leave."


"Right now."


"I will get up and kick you out."

"Do it." He pushed off his hands and onto his feet (ever the show off) and lifted her off hers. She kicked and wriggled and his arms didn't budge as he carried her like a sack to the door. "You know I'll just get back in!" She shouted when he slammed it in her face.

"Do it!" He shouted back.

She yelled an animalistic scream at him and he replied with his own, and then she stomped out of the hall before any other residents could come out and call the cops on her.


Percy knew he was acting immature and stupid and reckless and like such a teenager. But he had held back on that for two years and now he felt like it was time to just pour it all out on someone.

trigger warning (Percy Jackson au)Where stories live. Discover now