Chapter 27: Cold Showers

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Cold Showers

Warning: strong language.

Jason hated his horribly soft self sometimes.

Rehearsal ended with a cast dinner in a hotel restaurant, and the group dispersed at around nine. Jason had stepped outside just minutes before the first of probably many May showers, prepared with a black umbrella in hand.

Except instead of reminding him of storms and clouds and lightning and traffic like rain used to, now it just brought up memories of a night from almost half a year ago. He worked, struggled to think of other things, but the sounds of pitter pattering on the concrete were much too vivid. The blond stopped under the shelter of an apartment complex entrance for a break.

He hated how goddamn sentimental he was.

After coming to terms with the fact that he probably wasn't going to get over himself, he continued until he stopped under the shelter of the only sheltered bench for the next three avenues, where one unlucky patron sat in waiting for the end of the rain.

Jason turned to offer the person greetings - a habit he had yet to abandon upon moving here - and froze. Just my fucking luck.

The figure pressing himself far, far back into the plastic half box glanced at him once before jerking his head to stare at him right in the eyes.

"Hey," Jason managed through the cacophonous downpour mixed with street noise.

The green eyed boy, still somehow dry, gave Jason a small nod. He had gone completely white, his jaw clenched and his arms crossed tightly over his chest, letting him fold into himself. It took the blond a second (but only one) to process everything.

"It doesn't look like it'll let up any time soon," He tried, and was rewarded with a blank stare. "Are you waiting for someone to pick you up?" Shake of the head. "Taxi?" No. "Are you waiting for the rain to stop?" A hesitant pause. Oh. He pushed open his umbrella again, thankful he hadn't opted for the kiddy striped pattern, and offered, "Do you want me to walk you home?"

Percy bit his lip, glancing at the sky. His mouth formed a silent 'no'.

"We're only a couple of streets away. We can share the umbrella."

After a moment of calculated staring at the portable rain shelter, Percy conceded. He stepped around the bench and to Jason's side, and Jason felt his stomach d a flip. He hadn't been this close to Percy in only a week and it hurt this much.

"Um, okay," He held it above their heads and if they squished together just right, they'd be able to make it to Percy's new place relatively dry. "Let's go." It took them three steps to match pace and after Jason (taking the street side of the sidewalk) was splashed with water, Percy pressed himself closer to the blond without any explanation.

Jason bit his lip and, after convincing himself, hesitantly put an arm around Percy's shoulders. The shorter boy exhaled before bringing an arm around the blond's waist, keeping them both underneath the protection of the umbrella. Aforementioned blond barely stopped himself from shuddering and almost 'ugh'ed at his extreme sensitivity.

He glanced down at his companion as they crossed a puddle street. So, what, Percy was afraid of rain again? How had he even made it alive through May? He winced because he was pretty sure he could answer that question himself. "It's a good thing you live so close from where you stopped," Jason spoke when they'd made it to the hotel. "I'll just, ah, get going then."

"Why don't you," Jason whirled around almost too quickly. Percy jumped at the speed. "Uh, come inside?"

"Are you alright with that?"

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