chapter 8:I Fucking Love Trains

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I Fucking Love Trains


Warning: strong language.

He wasn’t particularly happy when Jason rushed into the morning café, soaked through after running through the rain for who knew how long. Neither was he particularly glad that Beckendorf and Leo were both long gone, probably working on homework after their night classes.

He had just been about to light a cigarette, but set it on the bar when they bell on the door signaled the arrival of a new customer.

“H-hey, Percy,” the blond shuddered as he pulled off his jacket, leaving him only in wet pants and a (surprisingly) dry shirt. “This rain is really something.”

“It’s weird for this city, I know,” He offered him a seat at one of the bar side’s comfy loveseats. “Are you off today, too?”

He nodded and rubbed his hands together. “It’s a theater superstition thing – you come in with wet shoes or something, and it’ll be bad luck for the show. We got the day off, though, so no one was arguing.” Percy hummed a response, sitting across from him. “You seem a lot more open when your coworkers aren’t around,” Jason quickly noticed.

Jason noticed a lot of things quickly, Percy realized – he’d learned that Percy absolutely abhorred talking about himself, though for others’ words he was all ears. He had noticed Percy’s aversion towards body contact, and had adjusted himself accordingly. He’d even noticed Percy’s favorite color.

“They like to bring up awkward things in front of new acquaintances,” Percy muttered, earning a laugh. “Besides that, they’re alright. Can I get you anything?”

“No, no,” Jason waved him back to his seat. “I just got back from a dinner thing with the director to talk about my ‘lack of good performance’.”

“Gosh, I hope you don’t ruin the show.”

Jason rolled his eyes with a half chuckle.

“Are you nervous?”

His lack of a response was enough of one.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

A hum, but with clear disbelief in his eyes.

“And even if you did horribly, I wouldn’t know. I’ve never seen a play live.”

That got a reaction, ending the one sided conversation finally. “You’ve never been to a play?”

“Nope,” Percy shrugged, subconsciously counting the joints on his fingers. When he noticed the blond staring, he finally realized it himself, and closed his hand into a fist. Clearing old nervous habits out only made room for more. “Like I said, I haven’t exactly been around.”

“They didn’t have plays where you were before?” The actor bit his tongue as soon as the question left this mouth.

But Percy only shook his head. “There were other things to keep you occupied instead.” He didn’t elaborate, and although Jason was just dying for more details, he didn’t push the other boy. Damn his own constant worry for the other party.

“Do you play any sports, Percy?” The question seemed a little random. “I mean – this might sound a little intrusive – but you’re fit. Like, really fit. And you kind of, I guess, walk like someone who plays sports.” He shrugged.

“I used to,” Percy admitted. “Although I don’t know how you could tell. Do you play sports?”

The simplest questions were being evaded but Jason didn’t know why. For all he knew, he could be asking all the wrong things, and he was just hoping he would stop soon. “Hah, no. But you have to stay fit to be able to sing and dance like you mean it, so I spend a lot of time at the gym.”

trigger warning (Percy Jackson au)Where stories live. Discover now