chapter 11: Do You Have Eczema?

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Do You Have Eczema?


Warning: strong language.

“I heard you went to support group yesterday.”

Percy’s head snapped up, his emerald green eyes tinged with venom.

“And before you ask, it wasn’t Miss Grace who told me this time, or even the last time. Grover Underwood, the support leader, is required to inform all guardians of the group members of their attendance. It is a part of his job.”

Percy remained forward in his posture, not willing to back down to the hellish doctor even if things had been cleared up.

“Did it go well?”

“I’m sure you already know that.”

“Glad to hear it.” He gave a small professional smile. “I see the rest of your boxes have disappeared. You’ve unpacked them?”

“Yes,” The boy lied.

Dionysus picked up the pen, but only to write down the opposite of what Percy had said. “Is there any reason you keep them boxed up? Are there too many memories packed in for your still young self to handle?” He knew that was one of Dionysus’ more humorless questions, but it felt condescending nonetheless.

“I don’t know. I haven’t had time, I guess.”

“You’ve never been good at making excuses.”

“And you would know that because…?”

“Your old files from the detention center were all transferred to me upon your release. Your previous handler was quite thorough in his notes.”

“Her notes,” Percy corrected despite himself. “Yeah, she took a lot.”

“Well, you are an extreme case.” He glanced behind Percy, at the open bedroom door. “Still having trouble taking showers?” He didn’t wait for a reply. “These past two days must have been terrible for you, with all the rain.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” The blue streak mumbled quietly.

“Oh?” That sent his pen flying across the page. “How so? Did you find some way to cope?”

“‘Cope’? I don’t need to ‘cope’ with anything – it’s just an irrational dislike,” He recited the definition he’d gotten off of

“But it only sprung up when you were about sixteen years old, correct? You were still a swimmer in your high school then, had been a swimmer since your elementary years.” Yellowed eyes searched evasive green. “You were the fastest on your team.”

Percy shrugged. “I got bored of it.”

“You’ve never been good at lying, either.” He seemed like he wanted to press the matter further, but they’d already been going at it for two and a half hours. “I think that’s enough for this week,” He stood and let himself out with a professional farewell.

Thalia bounced into the room the moment the doctor had vacated it. “You guys took forever.”

Percy ran a hand through his hair. “I know, he just had so many questions.” He stood. “I need to take a shower.”

“Okay,” She nodded, hopping down onto the blue couch. “And then you need to feed me.”

“Where’s Reyna been, by the way?”

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