○Chapter Eleven

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Friday 6am.

(This chapter backtracks to earlier in the day than the previous chapter.)

Eli grinned at me in the mirror as we stood side by side in the bathroom brushing our teeth.

It's incredible how normal this feels, me and him. Now that he's always here I can't imagine him not being here when I of course know that it can't last. How long can we possibly get away with him staying over every night before someone notices?

Once we finished brushing out teeth we headed out for school. As I walked down the hall my thoughts went back to Jason. Last night after Eli went to sleep I debated on if I should call him or not but I decided not to because it was too late. I really wanted to speak with him though. I feel out of sorts because of the way we ended things the other night. Hearing him yell at me, feeling his anger and frustration hurted. I felt like I was letting him down somehow. Besides that I also had the weight of the fact that I was the thorn in the middle of Jason and Eli's frienship. Eli is mad at Jason because he won't tell him the truth when I'm the one preventing him from telling my secret. Because of my fear and selfishness. I know that once Eli knows everything will change between us. I'm not ready for that to happen.

I am becoming addicted to his blue eyes gazing only at me. I don't want to give it up.

He smiled at me as we entered the classroom not knowing how tormented my thoughts were.

Jason was already in his seat. He looked at the two of us as we entered but made no attempt to talk to either one of us.

"Are you and Jason in a fight?" I whispered to Eli as he sat beside me. He shrugged as a non answer. "Don't be mad at him, it's not his fault. It's mine."

Eli ooked towards me. "How do know if it's your fault or not when you don't even know what we are arguing about?"

"I know that it's because you think he's keeping secrets from you. The secrets that he keeps is because of me. I'm the one to be blamed, so please don't be mad at him." I pleaded. I was starting to think that maybe I should tell Eli the truth, if that was the only way for him and his best friend to make up then I would. I couldn't stand the fact that I was ruining them. The two of them have become some of the most important people to me in such a short amount of time.

Eli shook his head as I saw his anger rising. "That's only part of it." He sighed wearily like he didn't want to have to say what he was about to say next. "He knows that you need help yet he indulges your...." He trailed off before continuing. "...delusions instead of confiding in me so we both can help you." He looked me in the eye earnestly. "I think that you should go to counseling and you should know you can tell me anything. If someone is hurting you I can protect you."

I looked at him sadly. I knew it. He thinks I'm crazy and he doesn't even know about my visions or the spirits. If he knew that for him it would be confirmed that I'm insane. Even though I knew it was pointless I still tried. "No one is hurting me and I'm sorry that you think I'm crazy." I said with a bit of sarcastic bite. It hurt that he thought I was insane. "But Jason only wants to help me, he wouldn't want anything bad to happen to me just like you. He's not indulging anything. He's going through a rough time. Loosing Tiffany stills weighs on him even though he tries not to show it. He feels like he should be the one to bring justice to her killer. He needs his best friend by his side for comfrot. Can't you forget everything else and do that for him?"

He frowned at me before looking towards Jason. He then turned back to me and I couldn't read the jumbled emotions in his clear eyes.

The homeroom teacher came in and Eli was forced to go to his seat ending our conversation.

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