°Chapter Fourteen

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I was in the mood to ditch school and avoid everyone and everything, and by everyone I meant Jason and Eli, but if I did that I wouldn't be able to ambush Allie later. Because of this reason I forced myself to finish out the day of school. I had to endure the stares and whispers from those who had seen the argument between me and Jason and Eli earlier and ignore the whispers when people noticed that the two boys weren't sitting with her at lunch. I was sighing in relief when the last bell rang and I was one of the first people out of the door. I waited outside of the school's building until I saw Allie and Sarah walking coming out of the stairs. I watched on in annoyance. I hadn't thought about if she wasn't alone, what we had to talk about couldn't be said in front of an audience. I resigned myself to having to follow them waiting for a chance when Allie was alone to speak to her.

I quietly followed behind the two girls feeling like a stalker. I couldn't believe the absurdity of it all. If someone had of told me a few weeks ago that I would be following Sarah and Allie hoping to talk with the girl who made my school life miserable, I'd of thought they were insane. I chuckled quietly to myself. Here I was ready to claim someone was insane for seeing the future when I received the same treatment whenever people discovered what I could do.

As we came to a corner where the sidewalk forked off into two separate sides, the girls finally parted. Allie went left and Sarah went right. Once I was sure that Sarah wouldn't look back in jogged down the street Allie went down trying to catch up to her. "Allie." I called out just as she was unlocking the door to a modest sized home. She whirled around, eyes wide in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"I really need to finish talking to you about Camryn."

Allie frowned and turned her back on me. "I have nothing else to say, everything I already told you is everything I know." She said as she attempted to close the door on me. I sprinted up the steps and held the door from closing completely with the palms of my hands pressed solidly against the wood.

"Please Allie, I know there is something you aren't telling me, I could see the fear in your eyes." I pleaded. "You have to tell me so that the real killer can be stopped, if we don't do something more innocent women will be killed." The pressure on the door was lifted and Allie opened it wide inviting me in. I sighed in relief and stepped into the front hall of the home. As I looked around I was shocked at how, normal, her house seemed. I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it, not from the girl who took so much pleasure in torturing me.

"I really don't know what else I can tell you." She glanced behind her at the stairs that led to the upstairs section of her house.

"It could be something small that you think is small but has been bugging you. There has to be something at the back of your mind that you want to mention about Camryn, something you think might have to do with her disappearance. Even if it's something you think no one will believe." I urged her. Allie's eyes flickered with uncertainty when the sounds of footsteps on the stairs drew my attention.

"Allie that you?" A male voice called out and my body seized in shock and disbelief. It can't be him, why would he be hear? I looked at Allie as if asking for conformations as to why this man would be in her home calling out her name but she looked just as in shock and fearful as me. I backed away a step as Mike Linux descended the stairs stopping at the bottom. He looked over at me and his perfect smile spread across his face, eyes lighting up. We stared at each other locked in a face off when my addled brain but two and two together. Mike Linux, Allie Linux, they were related. How could I have not realized this before? With Mike's age he could only be Allie's older brother. As if hearing my thoughts Mike addressed Allie. "Introduce me to your friend little sis." He said eyes still focused on me.

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