○Chapter Five

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I think, that on some level I knew that the moment I was alone. The moment there was no one around and no other distractions, that Tiffany would appear before me again.

I stood in my bedroom facing her. She was watching me, she looked sad, so sad. My guilt from earlier resurfaced again. I reached my hand out to touch her expecting my hand to go right threw, but it didn't. My hand wrapped around her wrist connecting with solid flesh.

She was freezing.

Once again my eyes became misty as tears wanted to fall. For some reason I felt responsible. Like it was my fault that she was taken, that she was killed. In my mind I knew this wasn't true. No matter if I had met her or not he already planned to take her. Even though logically I knew this, in my heart it still felt like my fault. She reached out and wiped the tears falling from my face. She then trailed her hand down and clasped mines in hers. She gave me a determined look at then began to walk.

She wants me to follow her.

This was going to be a hard journey for me to take because I knew at the end of the road there would be Tiffany's body.

Would Jessica's be there too? A sharp pain pierced my heart at that thought. I still wasn't ready to accept that my sister was dead.

I followed Tiffany out of my house and down the street. It wasn't night yet, still the afternoon and it felt strange following a ghost everyone else around me oblivious. She led me to the ferry and I followed blindly. There is a single bridge connecting Mystic to its nearest city, Palmer. But the ferry was the most popualr mode of transportation for teens without cars and people who commuted every day. I was too rigid to sit in any of the seats so I stood looking out the window as Tiffany stood beside me. I kept glancing at the bruises on her neck and thinking about how horrible her death must have been.  As I stood there I caught a reflection in the mirror of someone I knew. It was Jason. He didn't know that I had spotted him as he stood a few people away watching me. How long has he been here? Is it just a coincidence that we are on the same ferry? We stopped and Tiffany titled her head motioning for me to get off. I followed her off but I took covert glances behind me to see where Jason was. He was getting off also and walking a few meters behind me. I knew it. He was following me. I can't lead him to Tiffany  body without any warning. I can't imagine how horrible that would be for him.

I stopped in my tracks and Tiffany looked back at me confused. She held her hand out again and I shook my head. I couldn't. I'll comeback later, after I get rid of him, I silently promised her.

I turned my back on her and faced Jason. He stopped stunned to have been discovered. "Why are you following me?" I asked him. He didn't answer and instead countered with his own question.

"Where are you going?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I asked you first." When he still wouldn't answer me I walked passed him back towards the ferry. However he quickly cut me off standing in front of me arms spread out wide. "Move Jason."

He shook his head. "No. Where were you going before you figured out I was following you?"

I stamped my feet in frustration. He doesn't know that I am doing this for him. That I am trying to spare him the agony of seeing someone he loves discarded like they're nothing but trash. I tried to walk past him again and he reached out and grabbed my arm. I looked into his eyes in shock.

He touched me.

Then the familiar hazy feeling started and I whimpered in dread.

I saw.....me.

It was my first day at the school and I was standing in front of the class. Everyone was looking at me and I remembered feeling so out of place. Jason was in the front and he caught my eye smiling at me kindly.

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