○Chapter One

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I've always known that I was different. I don't think there is anyone around that's like me. All of my classmates think I'm weird. No one talks to me. But I prefer it that way. I don't want to know them or any of the secrets that they hide. If I could get away with staying inside and never coming out I would. When I was seven I'd actually tried it. I locked myself in my room and refused to come out for two days. My older sister Jessica was the one who coaxed me out.

I was upset.

A few days before I had been at the park playing with a boy around my age. When we touched I saw something horrible. I literally felt sick like it was happening right before my eyes. When I told the boy what I saw he ran to his mother and told on me. She yelled at me telling me I shouldn't make up horrible things like that. So I ran home crying upset that no one believed me. The next day it was all over the news that he was missing and the day after that his mutilated body was found.

I avoided touching people as much as I could after that.

But that doesn't always help. Its rare but sometimes images come to me without me having to have physical contact. I hate those the most because there is no warning, it just happens. And when its over I'm always dizzy and disoriented. It makes me look like a crazy person who just spaces out. They don't understand the horrors I have to see.

The bell for school rings signaling that anyone else who passes through the doors are late. Still the teacher hasn't entered the class yet. My stomach clenched as I realized this would be the perfect opportunity for people to bother me. I don't move. I've learned the hard way that it's better to let the rest of my classmates carry on wirhout me. If i stay still and quiet im noticed less. Most of them don't bother me, but isn't their always that one group of mean girls at every school? Most times they leave me alone but some they need a dose of fun by tormenting others. I'm the perfect target.

"Krystal." One of my classmates called out startling me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see Eli Phillips standing beside my desk. I was shocked that he was talking to me. He's well known because his family is rich, he's good looking, and he's smart. I looked at him questioningly, what could he possibly have to say to me? "Can you hand me that?" He asked pointing under my desk. For a moment I sat there not comprehending what he just said because I was lost in his sea green eyes. I'd heard girls sighing over them but this was the first time they were ever trained on me. Shaking my head finally noticing that he was looking at me strangely I glanced under my feet and saw that his pen had rolled there. My face heated with embarrassment as I bent down to retrieve it.

Of course he didn't have anything to say to me. No one ever did. Unless it was to mock me.

I held the pen out without looking into his eyes. As he took it I made extra care not to let our fingers touch. "Thanks." He said absently as he went back to his seat.

I could hear some of the meaner girl's in class snickering and laughing at me. I ignored them.

I took out the latest novel I was reading and let my mind get absorbed in the story until it was time for our teacher to come in. I was reading for a couple of minutes when a tap on my arm made me flinch violently and drop my book on the floor. It was a thick hard covered book so it made a loud thud gaining attention from all the other kids in class. I glared up at Allie and Sarah.

Everyone knew I didn't like to be touched. Why would one of them do that? Luckily I didn't get a flash, no connection was made. I just got shocked, and embarrassed. I leaned down and picked up my book placing it on the desk without looking at either of them.

"Krystal we need to talk to you." Sarah said.

I looked at her and waited for her to talk. "Privately." Allie emphasized like I was stupid. They must think I am stupid if they thought I was going to go anywhere alone with them. The only time they talked to me was to pick on me. I would truly be an idiot if I went anywhere with them. Noticing my obvious reluctance to listen to them Allie reached out to grab my arm and I pushed back in my seat the chair scrapping against the floor, standing up.

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