○Chapter Nine

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I closed the door to my apartment and rushed to my room where I got the first letter from him out. Bringing the letter to the living room I sat down on the floor. I was in a state of shock and a weird sense of satisfaction.

I'd done it. I'd figured out who he was.

I poured out the contents of the envelope on the floor beside the first letter. Now that I know, this is the moment I have to be braver than I ever have before. Because now I have to confront him.

I was interupted from my thoughts of how I should go about confronting him by a knocking on my door. Getting up I looked out the peephole before answering. It was Jason. I opened the door for him. "What are you..." I started to say but he pushed past me and into my house. What was wrong with him? Is he mad because I had avoided him today? I closed the door and walked to the living room where I stopped short. Jason stood holding one of the letters in his hand. I ran over and kicked the second letter under the chair hoping that he hadn't seen anything. His furious gaze met mine.

"Where you going to tell me?"

I shook my head. "I didn't want you to be hurt. You or Eli."

He looked at me is disbelief before shouting. "What about you? He knows who you are Krystal. He knows where you live. A killer is reaching out to you." He angirly stomped his foot. "We're going to the cops." He said. He grabbed my arm and started to pull me towards the door.

I wrenched my arm out of his grasp and stood still. "No. I'm not going to the police. Not until I figure out who he is. The cops can't and I'm the only one who can! Isn't this what you wanted? For me to find Tiffany's killer!" I shouted.

He shook his head. "Not like this. Not if the killer is eager for you to find him. Don't you think that's strange?"

"Somehow he knows about my gift. He left that note taped to a tree near where we found Tiffany's body as if he knew I would be the one to find her. Because he knows about my gift he's willing to play this game but I can beat him at it. I can find him." I said sure of myself.

I already know who he is. Going to that auto body shop was the best idea. Though that vision today scared me more than any one I'd ever had, I'm glad that I got it. If not I wouldn't have discovered that shop and I wouldn't know who the killer is now. Now all I have to do is get evidence. My vision alone isn't proof that he is a murderer.

"No. You're going to bring this to the police so that they can protect you." He grabbed my hand again and dragged me to the door. He swung it open with me still struggling and protesting.

"What the hell?" Eli asked as he snatched my arm away from Jason. "What are you doing to Krystal?"

Me and Jason stood silently looking at eachother. If he told Eli what was going on he would have to admit to everything. My secret and the fact that he knew and was keeping it from him.

"I said what's going on?" Eli asked getting angry that neither of us was answering.

"Nothing." I amswerd.

He glared at me before looking to Jason. "It's nothing." He said also. This had a enraged expression taking over his face.

"Are you both really going to stand here and lie to me? Right to my face? I can kind of understand Krystal not wanting to tell me the truth even if it does make me mad, but you Minhyuk, my own brother?" He sounded so hurt as he said this and I looked away guilty.

"I don't know what to say." Jason said in anguish.

"How about the truth? That's all I ask for." He looked from his best friend to me hopefully probably wishing that one of us would let him in. When once again we both remained silent he threw his hands up in frustration and walked away.

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