○Chapter Ten

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The spoon I held clattered to the kitchen table while my eyes became blurred from the tears that started to gather. Though I could barely see the TV screen I could still hear clearly.

"Twenty nine year old Alexia Williams went missing last night and everyone is fearing that she may be the latest victim of the Mystic murderer. Just a few days ago the body of Tiffany Morgan was found disposed of after she went missing; also presumed to be the work of the serial killer dubbed the Mystic Murderer."

Dad stood from the table and shut the TV off. As he stood back turned to me so many thoughts and feelings assaulted me. The most dominant ones being disbelief and guilt. How could he have gone out and killed another girl the very night I'd told him I knew who he was? Did he kill her just too make a point to me? Even though the woman, Alexia was only missing now I know that he's killed her. Just like he did to Tiffany and the other five women.

"Don't concern yourself with this case anymore." Dad said without facing me.

"But dad don't you see..."

"Enough!" He shouted cutting me off. "I know what your thinking. Yes they all look similar to your sister.
But Krystal, she disappeared way back in California, There is no way she could've been a victim of this killer." Finally he turned to me and I could see pleading in his eyes. "Just leave it alone. You're becoming unstable just like your mother just like Jessica. I can't take it." He walked away from me without another word heading to his room.

I looked down at the table as more tears fell. I never stopped to think about how dad feels. His wife committed suicide and his eldest daughter goes missing a year after that. Of course he's changed so much and became so distant. He's never home because it reminds him that I'm the only person in his family left. He doesn't know about my ability so he thinks I'm becoming delusional and unstable like mom was. I can't leave it alone, not even for his sake. Too many innocent lives are at stake, including Jessica's.

I remained sitting where I was when he came out of his room dressed for the day. "Take a day off school and rest." He told me before leaving.

It wasn't a bad idea. I didn't want to go to school and sit there with all that was happening weighing on me.

I sat curled up on the couch for the first few hours absent mindedly watching TV. All the major news stations were talking about the latest disappearance and the Mystic killer. My phone vibrated again and I ignored it knowing that it was Eli. He has been texting me for the past twenty minutes asking where I was and if I was okay.

I ignored them because I wasn't ready to face him after yesterday.

Officer Linux had made me look like a fool in front of everyone and even worse now the cops were suspicious of me. I hadn't heard from Jason at all since he called me last night. I assume that he's still angry. I know his anger comes from not wanting me to get hurt but he can't control my actions. I have to do what I feel is right and catching Officer Linux is the right thing to do no matter how dangerous.

This time instead of a text my phone rang. I couldn't ignore the phone call so I answered. "Hello."

"Where are you, at home?" He asked without saying hello.


"Open your door I'll be there in 3 minutes." He hung up without waiting for me to reply. I sat there stupidly looking at the phone and then in less than 3 minutes there was a knock in the door. I didn't even have time to get up and change. I was wearing track pants and a tank top with my hair up in a messy bun, basically I looked a mess.

Reluctantly I opened up the door and Eli pushed past me into my apartment. "Why aren't you in school?"

Raising an eyebrow I said. "I could ask you the same thing."

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