●Special● Jason + Eli POV

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I watched Krystal hurriedly leave the restaurant.

"I don't think she should go alone." Jason said also watching the door she had just exited out of.

I shrugged. "What can we do? She doesn't want anyone to follow her." I could understand Jason's reluctance. It didn't sit easy with me either. Krystal seemed so fragile and she'd gone through a lot today.

"Leave her be. Sit." Tiffany said.

I turned my gaze back on her. "Are you ok?" She grinned.

"Of course."

When her and Krystal had been in the back for to long I started to worry. What if Krystal went into one of her freak outs and accidentally hurt Tiffany? It didn't seem she turns violent but who knows. Jason sat down and I followed his lead.

"How do you know Krystal?" Tiffany asked.

"She's just a girl in our class." I said.

"How come I've never heard you speak of her before?" She asked.

"Where not exactly friends." Jason explained. "She just recently moved here from and as you can see she's a little strange so she gets picked on. Me and Eli helped her out today." He said.

I looked at Tiffany in question. "Why are you so curious? What did you and her talk about?"

She smiled mysteriously. "Just girl stuff. Don't worry about it." She winked at me as she walked away and my heart skipped a beat. I know its impossible but I've been in love with Tiffany for as long as I can remember. She thinks of me in the same way she does Jason though; as part of her family.

When I first saw Krystal when she transferred into our class I was struck by how much she looked like Tiffany. The same rich dark skin that looked smooth to the touch. The same big brown eyes, But I quickly discovered that she was nothing like her.

I looked towards the door again and started to worry about Krystal. She was strange but that didn't mean I wanted anything bad to happen to her.

"She'll be okay right?" I asked aloud.

Jason shrugged. "I hope so."


As I laid in bed I knew it wasn't right but I kept thinking of how it felt to have Krystal in my arms. When she stumbled out of the locker room and nearly fell I just reacted wanting to prevent her from falling. But once I had her wrapped in my embrace my arms encircling her waist I didn't want to let go. And she held onto me, not letting go either.

It felt perfect.

I've been interested in her since she first transferred in. She was new and she was beautiful so all the guys had their eyes set on her. This of course made all the other girls jealous and instantly dislike her. But soon people started to realize there was something wrong about her. She didn't really want to speak to anyone. She flinched away when anyone tried to touch her, even accidentally. So everyone just pretty much ignored her. I still watched her though. How could I not? She's beautiful and she's smart. She just seems a little broken. I wonder who it was that made her so afraid of being touched?

Whoever it was, I want to hurt them for hurting her.

I can't get the look on her face when Tiffany touched her out of mind. First she clenched up in horror and then she just went still, utterly still. Her eyes looked vacant as she stared through us. When tears started to fall from her eyes we frantically called her name not sure what was going on or what to do. That's when Eli touched her hand and she jerked up. It looked like she was coming out of a deep sleep. And the way she looked at Tiffany after that worried me. She watched her with a since of foreboding and fear.

I shook all thoughts of the strange encounter from my mind and tried to go to sleep.

Authors Note

Since this story will all be done from Krystal perspective I've decided to add in 'special chapters' that will be in other people's POV. Mainly Eli and Jason.

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Ariel ♡♡♡♡

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