○Chapter Seven

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I heard my name being called but I was too tired to open my eyes. I put my pillow over my face and scrunched my eyes closed tighter ready to go back to sleep. The pillow was removed from my face and I squinted one of my eyes open to glare at an alrrady fully dressed Eli leaning over me.

"Get up or we'll be late for school." He said.

How he could possibly be up this early in the morning and look so unphased was unimaginable. He said he came here to sleep yet that wasn't what he did. He talked and talked. Mostly about funny things he remembered from when him, Jason, and Tiffany where kids. They'd all grown up together. I knew that he needed someone to listen to him talk and reminisce as he tried to come to grips with the reality that she was gone. So I laid in bed for hours and listened. Even though my body felt laden down and I was exhausted. I forced my eyes to stay open until he fell asleep first. Now here he was torturing me when all I wanted to do was sleep.

I started to glare at him but even that was too much of an effort for me. So I closed my eyes and rolled over mumbling. "I'm not going to school." He could go without me.

I felt him grip the covers before he pulled them off of me. Then he grabbed my arms and pulled me up into a sitting position. "You're going to school." He said.

"Since when did you become my father?" I asked sarcastically.

He just smirked at me and then attacked me, tickling my side. I am extremely sensitive and hate to be tickled. I shouted through my laughter as I pushed him trying to get him off me. I pushed hard and he stumbled back but he had gripped my arm so as he fell back onto the floor I tumbled off the bed with him. We landed in a heap on the floor atop all the pillows. I was laying on top of Eli who had taken the brunt of the fall. He had has arm encircled around my waist as he looked up at me. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded as I looked into his eyes. My heart was pounding against my chest like it wanted to burst through and escape. I could feel his body pressed against mine.

I should probably move. The thought briefly flashed across my mind. But I didn't make any effort to do so. I stayed right where I was.

When would I ever get this chance again?

The look in Eli's eyes slowly started to change as he looked up at me. His other hand that was resting against the floor reached up and caressed the back of my neck. Then he was leaning forward. Is he going to kiss me?

A loud jangling sound broke the spell.

I jumped to my feet and turned my back on him. "Hello." I could hear him say. It was his cell phone that had interrupted..whatever that was.

I quickly left the room and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. My eyes where wide and my face seemed to glow. My dark hair was all over the place and I cringed knowing Eli had seen me like this. There was a knock on the bathroom door and Eli called out. "That was Jason. He's already at school. Get dressed and come down. I'll wait downstairs." He didn't wait for my answer before I heard his footsteps retreating.

I banged my head against the bathroom mirror.

So embarrassing. What the heck am I doing?

I washed up and brushed my teeth before going back to my room to find anything to throw on. I ended up settling for blue skinny jeans and a black tee that said 2am Club in purple lettering. I threw on my black boots and grabbed a sweater. Once I was dressed I brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail. As I hastily was making my bed the note fluttered to the ground face up. I could clearly see the words written there even though they where already engraved in my mind.

Do you think you can figure out who I am? What I crave? I think you can. Try. I will be watching you.

Looking at it gave me the chills. I picked it up and stuffed it into my backpack. I'd have to figure out what I was going to do about this letter later.

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