○Chapter Four

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I jerked awake from whatever dream I was having. The instant I opened my eyes though it faded. I couldn't remember anything that happened. I was relieved for it though because I felt like it was one of the bad ones.

I got out of bed and dressed for school. I had a mission to complete today. I need to question Jason about any guys Tiffany might have been seeing. The more I thought about it the more it didn't make sense that no one would have seen Tiffany get taken unless she closed the restaurant early. Maybe someone she knew, a man, was with her and she wanted time alone with him so she closed early. It had to be someone she trusted because she would have been on guard with strangers after what I told her. I needed some names so that I could investigate. Yeah this isn't my job to do, its the police but I have something to my advantage they don't. If I find the names of guys Tiffany was involved with all I'll have to do is touch them. I've never intentionally tried to get a flash before so I don't know if I can. But I'm going to try my hardest.

I eagerly made my way to school. Since I had a plan in motion I was in a rush to enact it. When I got to school I scanned the front gates looking for Jason but didn't see him. As I continued to walk and look around Sarah and Allie stepped in front of me. I sighed. "What do you want?" I asked them still looking around. I wanted to get to Jason before class started. Where could he be?

"Not scared anymore then?" Allie asked. "You got you're own personal bodyguards now so you think you're safe huh?" She continued angrily.

A crowd of students where starting to gather around us and I had a bad feeling. If this turned physical and she hit me would I get a flash? If I hit her would a connection be made? I didn't want to go into a vision here in front of everyone. None of them have ever seen me like that. Only Eli and Jason, and that was embarrassing enough.  I don't need the whole school knowing how strange I was.

"Please Just let me go inside." I said calmly trying to reason with them.

They both just laughed. They where intent on doing what they came here to do. There would be no stopping them. I backed up trying to put distance between me and them but there was a circle of other students behind me stopping me from being able to get too far. Allie stepped forward and I could see that she intended to push me. I braced for the moment we would touch and a connection would be made. I closed my eyes tight waiting for the hazy feeling to overcome me, but it never came. I opened my eyes too see Eli standing in front of me. His back was too me but I knew it was him. He had Allie's arm grasped in his hand.

"Don't touch her." He growled.

Allie struggled and he let go of her. "Its not like I was going to hit her. I was just going to touch her. What's the big deal?" She asked angrily.

"You know she doesn't like to be touched so don't touch her."  He said.

I could see Allie's face contort in supreme rage and hurt. Why would she be hurt? She glared at me and if looks could kill I'd drop dead on the spot. She then turned and seethed at Eli. "Yeah but I bet you've touched her huh?" She asked. And no one could miss her innuendo. Not even me. My face got hot and I wished that I could disappear.

That would never happen. Even if I could allow someone that close to me, to be able to touch me in that way, it wouldn't be him. Eli would never consider me in that way.

"Shut you're mouth Allie." I heard Jason say as he pushed into the center of the circle where we stood. "You don't know what you're talking about so be quiet."

She laughed. "And here comes knight number two. How do you do it Krystal? How did you get both of them?"

That's when I realized what this was about. It wasn't even really about me. It was about Allie and her resentment. She liked one of them, I'm not sure who, and she didn't like how much attention they have been paying towards me lately. In the year I've been here I've noticed that neither of them dated any of the girls at our school. They have the wrong idea though since now it seems the both of them are following me around. Well they are but not for the reasons everyone thinks.

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